@kylers I take them back to a leaf segment so they grow two new leaves from each segment. The pruned segment can be planted to grow another plant. Here in the subtropics Zygos are outside all year and can get a bit long and straggly if they do not have a trim. Increases the stems for flowers too. 😎
Schlumbergera. Zygocactus 'Peach Parfait'. So many beautiful colours, white, shades of pink and orange. Very addictive. #zygo #zygocactus #zygocactus-peachparfait
Zygocactus 'Peach Parfait'. Gold glow of these flowers taking the place of sunshine on this rainy day. #succulentsunday #zygo #zygocactus-peachparfait
That plant is putting on quite the show😍
Thank you @kylers I have five baskets of various colours hanging on my patio. They responded well to a prune after last season flowering. 💕
@rosegardengirl Thank you. They do make a wonderful display.
When you prune them, do you pinch back a leaf segment or are you just pulling off the dead flowers?
@kylers I take them back to a leaf segment so they grow two new leaves from each segment. The pruned segment can be planted to grow another plant. Here in the subtropics Zygos are outside all year and can get a bit long and straggly if they do not have a trim. Increases the stems for flowers too. 😎
My all time favorite 😍
Love this one.