Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Bone Fish' (Under The Sea Series)
Coleus 'Bone Fish'
Early Winter 2020
- 7
Late Autumn 2020
- 9
Mid Autumn 2020
- 16
Mid Summer 2020
- 10
Late Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Early Autumn 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Winter 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 9

Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Bone Fish' (Under The Sea Series)
Early Winter 2020
Late Autumn 2020

Coleus tucked under the Spider Lily (Hymenocallis littoralus) which gave it a bit of protection from the harsh Summer sun. #foliagefriday #coleus #coleus-bonefish

Its beautiful

Stunning ❤️💛❤️



@Annettenoosa wow never seen one like that. Beautiful.

Beautiful 😊😊💛💛♥️♥️

Like the way it just blends in with the other plant.

@zaida11 Thank you. I like the colour and texture contrast too and keep popping cuttings in between the strappy leaves.
Mid Autumn 2020

Seasonal change of colours of this Coleus. Vibrant colours of Summer on left; cooler Autumn colours on right. Winter will bring dark brown. This is a hardy plant and winters well in subtropics. I can see some of my Coleus are dying back and will not survive Winter so I will take some cuttings and find a protected sunny spot for them until Spring (Sept). #foliagefriday #coleus #coleus-bonefish

Wow they're beautiful 😊😊♥️♥️💚💚

So pretty those Coleus colours

Both so pretty !! 😍


Wow their beautiful 👌💚💚❤️❤️

I've seen a handful of gardens in Garden Tags that I admire & I truly admire your garden /collection 💚💚💚 Every time I see your pics it gives me that bit more motivation to get my garden to where I want it. Thank you 💋


Wow this is a lovely variety

These look gorgeous, some say this under the sea series are more finnicky , what do u say?

@midnightgardener thank you. Favourite Coleus in my garden.

@tessafox-veling Thank you Tess. Seasonal change of colours of this particular Coleus are dramatic, especially the dramatic burst Summer colour. 💕
Mid Summer 2020

Coleus. Strong plant, filling in garden for colour when Frangipani are not flowering. #coleus #foliagefriday

Wow! 😍 Love it! 💕



Its lovely 😍

That's impressive 😍

So gorgeous 💕



This is definitely a #wishlist for me! Completely smitten!
Late Spring 2019

Coleus 'Bone Fish'. Colouring up nicely in the warmer weather. As well as the most stunning Coleus, it is the hardiest, growing on sturdy, long stems, full of offshoots for cuttings. In Winter the colours are deep purple and green before turning vibrant pinks in Spring. Given a bit of Summer heat protection, this plant is a winner in subtropics and drought. #coleus #coleus-bonefish #foliagefriday

Super!! #bestofnovember

Beautiful I need this lol

Do you use the premium app?

Omg I want it!!

Wow love this 💕what a great colour & leaf shape

@Flicka no, not Premium 💕
Love that plant need to get one😎

Mid Spring 2019

Coleus "Bonefish'. Another Coleus starting to show its true colours as the weather warms up. Such a hardy one and everyone's favourite. Has a bit of a slow down and loss of colour in Winter. Then grows to 2 metres and is constantly being pruned. Think I will fill every gap in the garden with cuttings when I return from India (heading out Saturday, returning early November). #coleus #coleus-bonefish

I haven't seen this type of Coleus before, it's fab!

Oh wow! Not seen one like this 😍😍 amazing 🤩 @ShelleySnyder you’ll like this one 😉

So unusual looking, beautiful

Amazing! Unlike any other I've ever seen 🤩

@anges @kez001uk @alan1111 @jeatacake Thank you. It does have brilliant colours with unusual leaves. One of the 'Under the Sea' range. It is also a very vigorous grower with strong stems producing many offsets. Wish you were closer so I could share with you. I cannot remember where I got it from, maybe a garden club, but I have not seen it in the nurseries.

This is amazing looking! I love it! Thanks @kez001uk for tagging me to share this!💘😍

On my wish list now Annette I'll keep an eye out

@Annettenoosa I will definitely be on the hunt for one next spring 😁 enjoy your trip to India ☺️

@ShelleySnyder very welcome 😁 instantly thought it would be one for you 😉

@kez001uk oh yes! If I ever see this I would snatch it up! So fast you wouldn't even see me do it!😉😂😂💘😍

@ShelleySnyder 🤣 wouldn’t have time to accidentally fall into your cart 😉😉
Early Autumn 2019

Coleus on my front patio, with a small piece of variegated baby sun rose (aptenia) that will trail over edge of the pot as it grows. #coleus #coleus-bonefish

I have never seen that type of coleus, it’s beautiful!😍
Early Summer 2018

Coleus 'Bone Fish'. In Summer brings a burst of magical colours on this Coleus # coleus #coleus-bonefish #summercolour-red

Wow that is so striking !😍

What a fabulous one ❤️💚

Thank you @Muzz67 @womanonabike In Winter the colour is green and deep purple. In Summer the colours totally change to the vibrant palette in the photo. Grows very tall, providing dramatic height emphasis.

Early Winter 2018

Two Coleus: 'Bone Fish' and 'Coral Ruffles' with Heuchera: 'Black Taffeta'. Grouping, trying out the look for my pink colour garden. Where once was lawn will soon be a pretty little garden of shades of pink. #coleus-coralruffles #coleus-bonefish #coleus #heuchera-blacktaffeta #shadesofpink

Lovely Foliage


Love it ❤️
Early Autumn 2018

Coleus 'Under the Sea'Tm range 'Bone Fish'. Lovely splash of garden colour. #coleus-bonefish #coleusunderthesea #pink

Wow beautiful never seen that before lovely shape

How did I miss this one. It’s beautiful 😍

Amazingly Beautiful

@suerichards @gauravsh6 @nej Always draws attention. Received as a cutting and have not seen in nurseries. Welcome to a cutting if you visit Sunshine Coast 😎🙃

#coleus #variegated #foliage



Wowzers, the foliage is stunning.
Coleus. Still showing its warmer season colours. #coleus #coleus-bonefish #foliagefriday
These are so cool! Never seen them anywhere around here. Where did you get them, if you don't mind my asking.
Two beautiful specimens
@maldavis I wish I could remember where I got my first plant from. It probably came from someone selling a plant at the local garden club. I wish I could find some more of the varieties in this 'Under the Sea' range.
Oh I'm loving these!!
Hi! I'm updating a big coleus archive and I must say that the looks of this UTS - Bonefish doesn't look at all as the original. Have you checked with the developer if this really is Bonefish?
Hi! I'm updating a big coleus archive and I must say that the looks of this UTS - Bonefish doesn't look at all as the original. Have you checked with the developer if this really is Bonefish?