Mid Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2019

So pretty 😍 this guy is against a wall facing a west-facing window (if that makes sense) i’m always concerned that my plants wont get enough light in my dark house! I only have west and east facing windows though

That's one good looking plant Roisin

Looks pretty healthy to me! I too have a dark house. Lots of plants won't work but pothos, peace lilies, spider plants, mother in law tongue plants and arrow leaf vines do real well.

@lesliecole49 thank you! Ive been eyeballing the peace lilies for a few weeks now i think i may just take the plunge! I’ll have to keep it away from my ferret though lol

Mine are very happy getting a little bit of afternoon sun

@lesliecole49 is afternoon sun better than morning sun?

Not necessarily, it's just one of the two windows that get any sun, and the one I can see the plant from my living room. The other window is in a spare bedroom and I can't see the plants.

@lesliecole49 thank you for all your help! Hes sitting in my living room by an eastern window now and seems happy 😁😁😁

You're most welcome. Good luck
My beloved dieffenbachia decided to JUST DIE AFTER I REPOTTED HIM my heart is broken
Oh no 😞 Did it really die or could you save it?
@natii it just died!!! I still have no clue why 😔 it completely turned to mush