Gymnocalycium baldianum
Late Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Went to Fernhill and got loads of new buddies! Any advice is MUCH appreciated!
Give as much sun as possible. Get it out of the soil it came in, until you just have roots and plant in at least 50/50 compost and grit or pumice

@BrandonC i have cactus potting soil... will that be ok?
Those ready made cactus soils are generally just a marketing tool and very unsuitable. There is very little different to regular compost. Very organic with little drainage. If you look at my pictures you can see how gritty my mix is.

@BrandonC wow you’re right it looks like straight up gravel! Ok, im gonna try to see if i can find something similar here in my town. Thanks!!
All we have here is Woodies. But any good garden centre should do. Look for potting or horticultural grit. Makes it a lot harder to kill them!

@applesmakemehappy where is this magical land of Fernhill? I feel a road trip coming on...

@Mikekally its in Athlone Westmeath! And they have loads of the plants you’ve liked 😉

Excellent thanks @applesmakemehappy - I guess I'll just have to plan a weekend away so 😂😂
Omg.. FLOWERS?? 🎉🎉🎉
Wow congrats they'll look awesome 😍
@jyotu Thank you! Im so happy lol
Aw yayyy!