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Help me identify this plant please #plantid-
Thank you very much
Hi Ashley, just a little hint, when you reply to someone you need to put @ in front of their user name and they will see it in their feed eg @jaynehynesburton 👍👍
@pelly Thank you for the tip I'm new to this so I'm still working it out have a great day and thank you @jaynehynesburton
No problem Ashley, glad to help, you'll soon get used to it. 👍👍
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Help me identify this plant please #plantid-
Thank you very much
Hi Ashley, just a little hint, when you reply to someone you need to put @ in front of their user name and they will see it in their feed eg @jaynehynesburton 👍👍
@pelly Thank you for the tip I'm new to this so I'm still working it out have a great day and thank you @jaynehynesburton
No problem Ashley, glad to help, you'll soon get used to it. 👍👍