This raspberry fruited in summer on its old canes and is now fruiting again on its new ones. I'm not complaining 😂 but how do I prune it? It was supposed to be a summer fruiting one so I remove the fruited canes and leave the new ones. Do I still leave the new ones even though they have fruited? 😭😱😂 #help #raspberry #pruning #advice
This raspberry fruited in summer on its old canes and is now fruiting again on its new ones. I'm not complaining 😂 but how do I prune it? It was supposed to be a summer fruiting one so I remove the fruited canes and leave the new ones. Do I still leave the new ones even though they have fruited? 😭😱😂 #help #raspberry #pruning #advice
Upon reading the rhs website's advice, I think I should prune all of the canes that have fruited, which is all of them?