Cannabis sativa
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

#progress #progressphoto #comingalong #marijuana #sativa #cannabis-sativa #cannabis
Early Autumn 2019

This picture doesn’t even do this Queen justice!! This beauty right here is called Queen and shes a sativa. I’ve been growing her since May and she stands at 5 feet. 7 inches, I’m 5 foot 5 inches. Every time I try to take a body shot of her it never turns out, so here’s her close up! She has about a month left until harvest ❤️ #king #sativa #marijuana #growking
Took a few #clipping off my #big plant and wanted to see how they would turnout if I never let them get big. I’d say it’s a #success and they turned out rather nice, the crown bud it’s a really good size! #marijuana #crownbud #crown #bud #weed