Lupinus 'Purple Emperor'
Lupin 'Purple Emperor'
Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Lupinus 'Purple Emperor'
Mid Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

#lupin #update : the lupins that i #planted in the #dirt took right off! The lupin that I left in the #water started to look terrible , so i planted it in dirt!
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

Progress photo: @gjones I still think I see a wee little root starting. But I took a look this morning and to my surprise there are leaves and stems growing!! So I’m thinking that this is going to be successful! Lol hopefully I didn’t jinx’s it! 🤞🏽🤞🏽
Early Autumn 2019

The flower picture was taken early Summer the two smaller pictures where taken over the weekend. I went into my garden and I noticed my lupins looked like they might be able to clone and take in for the winter. So I took a cutting and now we shall wait and see what happens 🤗 🌸 #lupin #blooming #purple #cloning #obsessed

@gjones I haven’t tried cloning it from a cutting either. This was the first year that this lupin bloomed, I planted it by seed in early 2018. I’m eager to see if I can get them to root!

@gjones I sure will! I think I seen a little tiny root, but it could just be my mind playing tricks on me 🥴
#lupins #before #dirt #after dirt Nov/4