Alyogyne huegelii
Native Hibiscus
- Early Autumn 2024
- 19
- 3
- Late Summer 2022
- 17
- 5
- Late Spring 2019
- 37
- 11
Alyogyne huegelii
- Early Autumn 2024
- 19
- Late Summer 2022
- 17
Seems like this very teeny tiny spider is happy hanging out on this pretty pink Alyogyne. 💖 Thanks @rosegardengirl for sharing. #alyogyne #summerblooms #pinkflowers
@rosegardengirl congrats Roslyn!💘😍
Thank you @ausgardentags @emch @ShelleySnyder
@rosegardengirl my pleasure!💘😍
- Late Spring 2019
- 37
Looking for a bit of colour in the garden? How about this Australian native, an Alyogne huegelii? It’s a fast growing medium sized shrub which hates wet feet. Needs pruning to look it’s showy best. 💜 Thanking for sharing @toristefani 💜 #oznative
Beautiful colour
I can't find one. Any input on where I can get one
@lizandbrad where do you live? Maybe one of these nurseries can help: Nurseries | Gardening With Angus
@lizandbrad here’s another nursery: Alyogyne huegelii or Native Hybiscus Plants For Sale and Alyogyne Nurseries Online ✔️ Bunnings sometimes has them ✔️
This place sells seeds and has them in stock: ALYOGYNE huegelii - Alyogyne (Native Hibiscus) – Australian Seed @lizandbrad
Have looked online but they seem to be out of stock in most places..I am in North Queensland
@ausgardentags ♡♡ thanks
I know you’re an Aussie. We have our country flag on our profile. Not sure how well they’d do in FNQ given it’s so wet compared to their native WA? The place that sells seed said they were in stock? @lizandbrad
@lizandbrad We have one we are regularly pruning. Not sure if you could grow by cutting and whether it would travel ok.
Thanks for the offer @rosegardengirl. I will try to get my local nursery to find one for me.
Looking to add some Australian natives to your garden? Try an easy care Alyogyne which pollinators love! Thanks @rosegardengirl for sharing yours. 💖 #alyogyne #oznative
Thank you @ausgardentags
Beautiful I love this 🩷🩷🩷🩷