Araucaria bidwillii
Bunya Bunya Pine
Late Summer 2024
- 7
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 6

Araucaria bidwillii
Late Summer 2024
Mid Autumn 2019

This is such a feel good photo, embracing so much that is good about gardening: growing your own (gyo) food, family and pets. I encourage you to look through the feed of @biami which is full of #gyo goodness! Here his family is harvesting the seeds from Araucaria bidwilli, an Australian native, commonly called Bunya Pine.
Late Summer 2019

Who could visit this garden helper? Tag your furry friends today with #fursday 🐶 🐈 Thanks for sharing your furry friend @biami


Oh those eyes! Beautiful!

Such a sweet face! 💕

💛 @biami

Did you know the nuts (seeds) from a Bunya pine are edible! The cones can weigh up to 10kg 😮 + are full of nuts. Indigenous Australians eat the nut of the bunya tree both raw and cooked. Traditionally, the nuts were ground and made into a paste, which was eaten directly or cooked in hot coals to make bread. Indigenous Australians also ate bunya shoots and used the trees bark as kindling. @KathyB was given these cones and she’s put a modern twist on them by cooking them in a curry. Sounds yum!
Read more about them here: #gyo #seed #nut #edible #Oznative #ausnative #bunyabunya #bunyapine #australiannative
I'd add a pic of the curry but I don't seem to be able to do so in a comment :) I can confirm it was supper yummy!
Wow! Very interesting😃 Thanks for sharing @KathyB @ausgardentags
Interesting!! Thanks for sharing @KathyB @ausgardentags 🥰
Wow! These are beautiful cones. Would be interested to taste those seeds
It’s a pity we can’t add photos into the comments. Hopefully it’s on the software enhancements list! @KathyB