I’m surprised this gorgeous Cydista vine isn’t more widely grown! The flowers start off purple, fading to lavender then to white. All three colours can be seen on the plant at the same time. 💜💜💜 The leaves smell like garlic when crushed so (unsurprisingly) a common name is Garlic Vine. Thanks @Sussanah for sharing this beauty! 💜💜💜 #vine #garlicvine #cydista #mayblooms #mayflowers #autumnblooms #purpleflowers
I’m surprised this gorgeous Cydista vine isn’t more widely grown! The flowers start off purple, fading to lavender then to white. All three colours can be seen on the plant at the same time. 💜💜💜 The leaves smell like garlic when crushed so (unsurprisingly) a common name is Garlic Vine. Thanks @Sussanah for sharing this beauty! 💜💜💜 #vine #garlicvine #cydista #mayblooms #mayflowers #autumnblooms #purpleflowers