Gymnocalycium quehlianum
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

How pretty are these flowers when you take a close look! 💛 Snap a closeup of any succulents you have flowering GTers and tag them with #succulentsunday Thanks for sharing these shimmering delights @dylanh 🌟

Thanks @ausgardentags!

@megasta 😍
I’ve been noticing a lot of very attractive cactus flowers in my feed. 💛 Here’s one that @Lisacollection shared. 💖
Congratulations on the feature 😍😍
Is the flower bigger than the cactus or is it appearing so because of the angle of shooting
@LisaCollection see Q ⬆️⬆️⬆️ from @bks
Ok, just checked out , very nice collection of Orchids & Cactus . Thanks
@sherrisgarden Thank you 💕
@bks The flower is almost the same size as the plant. If you look previous photo, you could see another shot which almost the same size. 💕