Mid Winter 2024
Late Winter 2022

Aren’t these a cheerful sight on a cold winter's day? 💛 Thanks @qn for sharing! #oxalis #wintercolour #winterflowers

They're certainly cheerful on a 'wet season' night.

Cheerful on any kind of day! @qn congrats!💘😍

@ausgardentags thank you 💛😍

@novicegardenlover thank you 💖

@ShelleySnyder thank you 💖

@qn my pleasure! 💘😍
Mid Spring 2017

Oxalis is a #GardenHorror for @dkw Anyone have some advice on how to remove it from a lawn or garden bed?It’s a colour challenge this weekend featuring #black 🦇 🕷 and #orange 🎃 as we head towards Halloween. Perhaps you’ve a black succulent or some orange flowers. Or some Halloween decorations?

I too battle this demon in my garden! 😡😤😠. At first I was going to tell you to move, but I have dug out clumps of the lawn very deeply, removed all the bulbs and soil that might be infested with them and replace the grass. I did buy a "weed-b-gone" by Ortho, but have not used it yet. It is safe for lawns, and is ment to kill broadleaf plants, specifically naming "clover". #advice #lawn-weed #advice-oxalis #oxalis @djw

Perseverance and the same method used by @lovestogarden and then repeating I have reduced it after three years of digging and painstakingly removing those tiny bulbs but they are so easy to miss. 😱 So far not in my lawn only garden bed. My theory is it came with the lucern hay mulch as that isn’t heat treated but I will never know @djw #oxalis-advice #oxalis

I too have dug out deep removed bulbs replaced with new soil and grass it was successful

Thanks for all your good advice @lovestogarden @Shephes @plants Hope you post a pic on your (hopefully successfull)progress! @dkw #lawn-advice

Loosen up the oxalis lay some news paper under and wipe roundup gel on it leave to dry out ,this works well on odd bits of Buffaloe grass too,putting paper under stops poisoning other grasses

@dkw here’s more advice for you.

Thank you, @carrsabigpond.com , this is good to know. Does this kill the bulb too? Thank you, @ausgardentags for the heads up. 👏
Oxalis have such pretty flowers! 💖 Thanks @Jod_Jod_1207 for posting yours. #oxalis #pinkflowers