Pachystachys lutea
Early Summer 2024
Late Autumn 2020

What’s growing in your garden this Autumn? Tag them with #autumnblooms so others can find them too. Thanks @Luna_Lina for sharing your Lollipop Plant with us. 💛

@luna_lina I love this! Congrats!💘😍

@ausgardentags and @ShelleySnyder, thank you 🥰👍

@Luna_Lina my pleasure!💘😍
YAY! This plant makes me #happy and so does having the app working smoothly. Fingers crossed the new server runs smoothly for a long time! Thanks @nej for sharing your #lollipopplant #summerflowers #summerblooms
Most users don’t seem to have got the message yet as there haven’t been many posts today. 😢 Maybe @teamgardentags @ukgardentags could post an update. 👍
I hope too many users haven’t given up on the app and that they discover that the app is up and running as it should. Might take a while given usage always goes down in the colder months. @jacaranda
@teamgardentags it's still not up and running. I've had to get an old iPad. The app is not available for android users. Still keeps saying no internet connection. No app in the play store. Can @nej see this post.
I assumed @nej hadn’t been posting as I think he’s an Android user. @rosegardengirl