Look at this nifty repurposing idea! ⭐️ Don’t throw your old chopping board out! Reuse it as a mounting board for your Platyceriums (commonly called Staghorn and Elkhorn ferns). Platyceriums are epiphytes (air plants) and grow without soil on rainforests trees. Use well drained potting mix, leaf litter or compost attached to a backing board. Thanks @plantytherapy for sharing! #reuse #repurpose #backingboard
Look at this nifty repurposing idea! ⭐️ Don’t throw your old chopping board out! Reuse it as a mounting board for your Platyceriums (commonly called Staghorn and Elkhorn ferns). Platyceriums are epiphytes (air plants) and grow without soil on rainforests trees. Use well drained potting mix, leaf litter or compost attached to a backing board. Thanks @plantytherapy for sharing! #reuse #repurpose #backingboard
Looks wonderful @plantytherapy!
@plantytherapy this is great! Congrats! 💘😍
Thanks everyone ♡ I love a good upcycle project :)