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Today is a time of remembrance and reflection. “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them. Lest we forget.” #lestweforget #anzacday #rosemary #memories
Thanks @sonviethandtcraft for sharing your cut rosemary. It must smell wonderful! 💛
I had to Google Anzac Day. There was a good synopsis on Now I see why @sue1953 posted that beautiful field of poppies too.
Lest we forget 💕 #iloveaustralia #myotherhome
Like you Susan, I’m always learning about others’ cultures on GardenTags. 💚 @novicegardenlover
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Today is a time of remembrance and reflection. “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them. Lest we forget.” #lestweforget #anzacday #rosemary #memories
Thanks @sonviethandtcraft for sharing your cut rosemary. It must smell wonderful! 💛
I had to Google Anzac Day. There was a good synopsis on Now I see why @sue1953 posted that beautiful field of poppies too.
Lest we forget 💕 #iloveaustralia #myotherhome
Like you Susan, I’m always learning about others’ cultures on GardenTags. 💚 @novicegardenlover