@emch @ausgardentags - This name was provided by a local grower here in Southern Tas who gave me a cutting. I didn’t think it looked very peachy either. It’s more likely a NoID - I’ve had it a few years, and I haven’t seen one like it before or since.
Such a pretty pink and a welcome splash of colour for cooling Autumn days. 💖 Thanks @robynee for sharing. #zygocactus #schlumbergera #autumnblooms #pinkflowers
Such a lovely sight on a cold winter’s day! Thanks @robynee for sharing!! 💖💖💖 #succulentsunday #zygocactus #wintercolour #pinkflowers #pink
I don't understand the cultivar name but the plant is beautiful!
@robynee have you any comment on the nomenclature? ⬆️⬆️
@emch @ausgardentags - This name was provided by a local grower here in Southern Tas who gave me a cutting. I didn’t think it looked very peachy either. It’s more likely a NoID - I’ve had it a few years, and I haven’t seen one like it before or since.
@robynee very pretty, regardless of its name. 💖