Stapelia grandiflora
Late Summer 2024
Mid Summer 2021

If you like Stapelias, Orbeas or Huernias then you really need to check out the collection of @pennyw74 ❤️ This Stapelia is just one of many interesting plants she has. #stapelia

Congratulations @pennyw74 on your featured picture I really love your amazing collection of these

Beautiful! Congratulations @pennyw74

Congrats- beautiful flower! @pennyw74
Just what everyone needs: an attractive and huge flower (up to 25cm diameter) with an awful stink to attract flies! 😉 This Stapelia is a South African native and can be grown from cuttings or seeds, after the flower has completely died off. Thanks @jobakes for sharing this stunner for #SucculentSunday ♥️ #stapelia #starfishplant
Impressive flower! Congrats on your feature photo! @jobakes
Thank you 🙏 and yep I did not make the mistake my husband did and smell it! I may have forgotten to warn him not to sniff that one!! 😝😅🤣
Oops! 😉🤣 @jobakes