Clematis tangutica 'Bill MacKenzie'
Clematis 'Bill MacKenzie'
Late Spring 2023
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 3
Early Summer 2021
- 9
Early Autumn 2020
- 7
Mid Spring 2018
- 1

Clematis tangutica 'Bill MacKenzie'
Late Spring 2023
Early Summer 2022

Bill is finally in charge. He’s taken a few years (and needed some protection from OH at times) but now seems happy and I even have somewhere to sit 😊💛 #clematis-billmackenzie

Thanks Laura. It is getting better every year, at least since I put the bench in front to stop my OH from chopping it down 🙄😂 @columbiariver

#bench #tools
Early Summer 2021

Finally! Finally! 💛💚💛 This has been hiding in the hedge for years and finally, this year, I managed to stop him from chopping it down before it had even thought about flowering. It is rewarding my diligence - even if he doesn’t 😉😂


Thank you. It makes me so happy 😊@anitagipsongreenwell

That's gorgeous 💛

Thank you Jason. I’m so pleased with it 😊 @hebelover

It's so beautiful

So very pretty

Thank you Christine 😊 @brighton

It is isn’t it Joan, and I can’t wait for the seed heads too 😃 @joannie.a
Early Autumn 2020

Sometimes you just have to be patient... I planted this in the hedge over 2 years ago and finally it has managed to avoid being trimmed long enough to produce a flower 😃😊 #clematis-tangutica #clematis-BillMackenzie

I cut mine to the ground every year and it covers the shed every year! It’s like a triffid!

Mine has never had the chance, having been cut down regularly before it has had a chance to grow 🙄 This year I put a bench in front as no labelling or canes had helped... 😂 Hopefully there will be no stopping it now 🤞 @joanboston

Evening Jacqueline @awomanonabike unusual colour for a Clematis 😍 will have to keep a look out for one 😍. Hope you are well 😘

Hi Suzie, Thanks, all good here under the circumstances. I suppose it is an unusual colour for a clematis but now you’ve seen this you will see them everywhere! The seed heads are gorgeous too @jadojado29

Great flowers and the seeds heads are fantastic

Seed head I suspect this year 😉😂 @joannie.a
Mid Spring 2018

I’ve planted this on the sunny side of a native hedge. I’m hoping it won’t get inadvertently chopped down and will eventually grow through it 💛💚💛
The ash may have die-back but #clematis-billmackenzie doesn’t care 💛