Colchicum autumnale
Meadow saffron
Late Summer 2019
- 11
Early Winter 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 12
Mid Autumn 2016
- 10
Early Autumn 2016
- 12

Colchicum autumnale
Late Summer 2019
Early Winter 2019

8 Jan 19 • Hi Jane. Do you remember saying that you wanted some autumn crocus but hadn’t realised they were naked. These are the leaves beginning to make their appearance, about 9 months before the flowers... @pelly

Thanks for remembering that Jacqueline, I got some at Harrogate that flowered and now they are coming through like this. At first I wondered what they were then I realised!! 👍👍

Oh I didn’t realise you’d got some Jane. They are odd aren’t they - but lovely @pelly

The flowers are beautiful but the foliage is rather..... struggling here.....ugly? Not quite what I mean but the best I can come up with after a day with little Emily 😂😂

😂😂 Time to put your feet up now I hope. They are very... green! @pelly
Late Summer 2018

5 Sep 18 • It must be autumn! ⚠️ Don’t forget the stamens of #colchicum autumnale are #poisonous See my previous post on this (by swiping left) for more information

Nice they're endangered species here

Very pretty, I meant to get some this year but forgot. Thanks for the info though 💜💜

They are rather lovely but quite naked 🙈😂 @pelly

They are rather aren’t they, but I still want some. I’d have to plant them in with the low growers at the front of the borders 👍👍

Pretty 💜

Evening Jacqueline @awomanonabike theses are pretty think they look better as a clump 👍 but that wall & Arch is Amazing Love it 😍😘

The leaves are bright and vibrant - just 6 months behind the flowers 😉 @pelly

Thanks Kim 😊 @kimguy

Thanks Suzie. They are much more of a clump this year than they have been in previous years. It’s been a funny year 🤷♀️ @jadojado29

Ahh, I didn’t realise that, I’ve only noticed them in flower 🙄🙄

Mid Autumn 2016

#poisonous DO NOT EAT. Having read a bit more about Autumn crocus, this comes with a BIG warning. Colchicum autumnale is poisonous & fatalities have occurred. It is NOT the same as Colchicum sativus, although looks very similar. Sativus has very long, 3-part stigmas and the flowers arise at the same time as 30cm long narrow, grassy leaves (autumnale produces its broad, shorter leaves in spring). C. sativus is killed by temp <-15C & prolonged wet so in the UK it only grows in the south.

#saffron #saffron-advice With thanks to Sally Francis of Norfolk Saffron & her article in The Garden. To @ukgardentags Please can you add that this plant (including its stigmas) is poisonous, to the plant information? Thanks

My purple ones have the three stigmas not the whites ones suttons were selling them as Saffron bulbs shall be sending them a note for misleading info . Thank you so much thankfully I haven't had it 😥😖

Your purple ones might be sativus Tina. has a good photograph of crocus sativus showing the very long stigmas, as does the RHS FB page @tina

The purple look like yours .I have just sent a firm worded email to them . Luckily I haven't used the white ones . Talk about false advertising this year I had wrong colours sent out .Hayloft charged the earth on usual colours and I got different ones . I'm so grateful to you for letting me know thank you so much . @awomanonabike

No problem @tina Glad to be of help 😊

I will post a picture of the purple ones with stigmas on when next one opens up .

@teamgardentags need to add to plant entry and perhaps do a post on this or include in. enewsletter? @ausgardentags

#meadowsaffron #colchicum

Early Autumn 2016

Un unexpected delight this morning #macro

Beautiful @awomanonabike . 💜💜

Thats just so lovely 💜💜

Fab! #bestof2016 #colchicum #meadowsaffron

You have lot of saffon on there do you harvest it

Thank you @pelly @Jasonsparkes1 @gailybob and @brightcolours

I haven't ever @tina but have recently read about it in "The Garden". I thought all of the Autumn crocus had been & gone, then found this one.

I took some yesterday

Absolutely gorgeous👌👌

Hi Tina, I've just posted some information about saffron. I hope you live in the south & it is sativus that you have growing & not autumnale @tina

Thanks @awomanonabike will have a look

7 Sep 2019 • It must be autumn, but what a beautiful introduction to the season of mellow fruitfulness 💜 #septemberblooms #colchicum-autumnale
So beautiful 💜💜
Thanks Jane. I was looking at Rich’s post when he planted some white autumn crocus and you said you got some at Harrogate last year. Have they reappeared? I hope so @pelly
Wow 👌
Thank you Venkat. I’m glad you like it 😊 @Venkat
No, they were planted under the troublesome tree in the front garden and I hadn’t spotted that the rising roots had lifted them out of the ground. I’ve rescued them and replanted them in the back so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for next year 🤞🤞🤞
Oh I hope they do! 🤞🤞🤞 @pelly
Their quite lovely. @awomanonabike forgive me for my ignorance as I am new to the app. I blindly followed you without permission. So as you can probably work out....I now seek that #permission. If its a no, there will be no love lost. #thankyou
Hi Stephen, you’re welcome to follow me - no permission needed 😊 Some people make their feed private and then you do have to ask but I don’t. Welcome to GardenTags. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it @edelweiss001
They’re wonderful aren’t they BK 😊 @bks