Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Montbretia 'Lucifer'
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 12
Late Winter 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 1

Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2018

23 Jul 2018 • There is a reason why this #crocosmia is so popular ❤️

Should these be deadheaded 🤔 Mine didn't flower very long.

Fantastic colour ❤️

Awesome!💖 Mine didn't come up this year😞

They really are aren’t they @gjones

I don’t deadhead mine Denise. Perhaps they succumbed to the drought 🤔🤔 @Denise16

They are so, so red Rachel! @rachelbrooks

Aw, what I shame Kim. I think of them as being pretty much indestructible @kimguy

I thought so too! @awomanonabike

Do you have squirrels? Maybe they’ve dig up the corms 🤔 @kimguy

Yes I do! They love to dig! @awomanonabike

I wonder if they were responsible. Hard to believe they just upped and died 🙄 @kimguy
Late Winter 2018

23 February 2018 • I’ve dug out about 2/3 so have a pile of corms and a bucket full. Time will tell if I’ve reduced it enough or if it just has to go #taminglucifer

I wish I had to tame mine... It's the one thing dug up and brought from my old house, but I've only seen one flower so far. 😏

What a shame Jenn. Is it getting enough sun? I had some that was in partial shade due to tree growth and it stopped flowering completely @jennlamaye

Oh dear!! Luckily it's not a job I need to do yet. I have Prince of Orange but would like to get Lucifer this year. 😈😈

Well if you are passing this way again I can dig you up some 😊 @pelly


That is brilliant Laura! Though I’ll be in trouble if I do it nearby as I live by a SSSI...

@awomanonabike I kinda wonder if the bulbs are being stolen by squirrels. 🤔

Could be I guess. Little tinkers @jennlamaye
Mid Summer 2017

I've now tied this up but rather like it against the cobbles

Love your cobbles 😍

Thank you Sue. They had to be relaid due to temporarily having a moat around the house ... but I'm really pleased with how they look now @susanhumphrey333

Love it 😍

Thanks Jacqui! @Muzz67
Early Summer 2017

I really like the way the flowering quince provides support for the Crocosmia Lucifer, which is otherwise a bit wayward
23 Jul 2019 • Just when I think it’s too much of a thug and needs to go... it does this 😍