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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
3 Aug 2018 • The sweet william were enjoying a good soaking too. Apparently the petals are edible and taste clove like 🤔
Gorgeous colour and fab pic! Are you going to be brave and try? 😬
Super photo and lucky you too have rain ☔️
Those sure are pretty their do red. Love em😊💕
Aren’t they gorgeous, I have these too, a great splash of colour ❤️❤️
I might actually. I love putting nasturtiums in a salad. They taste peppery and look amazing. The sweet William could look lovely on a cake 🤔 🍰 @rachelbrooks
Thanks Sue and sorry 😐 I’m beginning to miss the sun 😎 Can’t win can we? @suerichards
Thanks Terri 👍 @terrimclaughlin
They are much nicer than I was expecting tbh Jane, and they are thriving in a pot despite not having been watered much @pelly
Ooh they would! 🍰🌸
Thanks Jason 😊 @Jasonsparkes1
I never knew they were edible. Must try some tonight Jacqueline
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3 Aug 2018 • The sweet william were enjoying a good soaking too. Apparently the petals are edible and taste clove like 🤔
Gorgeous colour and fab pic! Are you going to be brave and try? 😬
Super photo and lucky you too have rain ☔️
Those sure are pretty their do red. Love em😊💕
Aren’t they gorgeous, I have these too, a great splash of colour ❤️❤️
I might actually. I love putting nasturtiums in a salad. They taste peppery and look amazing. The sweet William could look lovely on a cake 🤔 🍰 @rachelbrooks
Thanks Sue and sorry 😐 I’m beginning to miss the sun 😎 Can’t win can we? @suerichards
Thanks Terri 👍 @terrimclaughlin
They are much nicer than I was expecting tbh Jane, and they are thriving in a pot despite not having been watered much @pelly
Ooh they would! 🍰🌸
Thanks Jason 😊 @Jasonsparkes1
I never knew they were edible. Must try some tonight Jacqueline