Eccremocarpus scaber
Chilean Glory-flower
Early Summer 2023
- 7
Early Spring 2021
- 17
Mid Summer 2020
- 12
Early Spring 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 12
Late Winter 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
Late Spring 2018
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 8
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Winter 2017
- 10
Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 10

Eccremocarpus scaber
Early Summer 2023
Early Spring 2021

I thought I had been so careful deadheading this last year, but it would seem not! If anyone would like some seeds, just ask. Scroll left to see what they will grow into #eccremocarpus 🧡💚🧡

Yes please, I’d love some seeds Jacqueline, this will go perfectly with my Passion Flower ‘Constance Elliot’ 😀

Consider it done Sarah. Do I have your address? I’m not sure I do. Can you email it to me?

Fabulous thank you, I’m sure you do but I’ll email it incase you don’t. 👍🏼😀

Got it!😊 @sieveheadsarah

Wow they are beautiful 😍

I have hundreds of seeds of you want to give some a go Emma 🤔 @OldMansBeard

They look great - I have a few new climbers so maybe I could ask for some next year ...? 🤔

Of course you can. Or just grow them now and plant them out next year. It’s perennial if kept frost-free. Just email me your address and I’ll pop some in the post @sharonhayden

Thanks Jacqui- will do - think the lowest temps we get is no more than -5, so they should be fine all year 🥰

Can I be cheeky lol would love to try and grow these @awomanonabike @sharonhayden 🤪😉💐💐

Mine is in a very sheltered corner and has survived for about 20 years now. On the one occasion when we got to -20 I lost it but it had self-seeded so all was good! @sharonhayden
Mid Summer 2020

I was dead-heading this earlier and realised that I had previously missed one completely, so...if anyone would like some seeds 🤔 just let me know 🧡 It’s a fabulous climber that has survived in a sheltered spot in my garden for years 😊

Yes please Jacqueline 🧡🧡🧡

That’s great Lexi. Can you pop your email address down here or in one of your own posts and tag me? I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve emailed you and you can delete it 😊 @lexijane

Thank you so much. I’ve messaged you on Instagram 😃

👍 @lexijane

Hello! This is so pretty, I’d love a few seeds if you have any left. Looking for interesting climbers

Hi Nettie, Welcome to GardenTags. I’m afraid I’ve already posted them to Lexi 🙄 but there were loads and I’m sure Lexi won’t mind forwarding some to you 😊 @lumilyon @lexijane

Thank you!

Of course I will 😃 @lumilyon

I knew you would Lexi. Thank you 😊 @lexijane

@lexijane thank you! How best to share my address? I’m new here

Hi Nettie, Did you ever get any of these seeds from Lexi? If not I have some more now if you’re still interested @lumilyon
Early Spring 2020

Spotted the first flowers today. 😃 How’s yours doing Laura? @columbiariver #eccremocarpus

Wonderful 🧡💛 Looking good 👍

And it will continue now until about November 😃 @jeatacake

Wow! wonderful 👍😊

Hopefully it won’t be long and happy to know you are OK 😘 @columbiariver
Early Summer 2019

1 Jul 2019 • Not long before your #eccremocarpus will be doing this Laura 🧡💚 @columbiariver

Love these but never had any real success with them

If you want to try again Jeff, I will happily send you some seeds. Believe it or not mine is growing out of a corner between NE and NW facing walls under a balcony through which it then grows, so this is one floor up 🤷♀️ @jeatacake

Wow, that's incredible! I'm not sure I can replicate such conditions of course but I would like to try again, thank you Jacqueline 😊

😂🤣 I think it breaks all the “rules” but I’ve only lost it once when it got below -20 and even then a self-seeded plant replaced it. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️ I’ll let you know when I’ve got some seeds @jeatacake

They certainly sound tough. I lost a few things in that winter 9 or 10 years ago which I thought were hardy. Cheers Jacqueline. 🤞 you get seeds produced 👍

Will do 😉😂 @jeatacake

Hi Jeff, I left some flowers to set seed so now have some ripe seeds. They survived a trip to Laura in Oregon last year so I’m sure they will survive the journey to you! If you email me your address I’ll pop them in the post. @jeatacake

Thank you Jacqueline. Very kind of you. Email on its way asap!

You’re welcome 😊 ...but I’ll want updates 😉 @jeatacake

Hopefully you'll even see photos of them thriving next year! 🤞🧡😁

I’m sure I will 😊 @jeatacake
Late Winter 2019

18 Mar 2019 • It may feel like winter today but the #eccremocarpus thinks otherwise 😎 #climber

Things are crazy Jacqueline. My crown imperials are nearly in flower!

Completely crazy Nicola. I usually cut this down (removing all the dead bits) in April... @jendren

Looking very tropical! 🌴🍹

That’s Cumbria 😉😂 @rachelbrooks

Ah! Of course! I keep forgetting! 🤣😉

It has been a strange winter Laura. I always get lots of seeds. I can send you some if you like 🤔✈️ @columbiariver

I’ll see if I can find any and if not I’ll try and remember later in the year. I’m sure it will do fine where you are if you treat it as an annual. It grows very quickly @columbiariver

You’re welcome Laura 😘 @columbiariver
Mid Autumn 2018

23 Oct 18 • ...but completely forgot about this, which has been flowering continuously since the last frost in spring 🧡💚🖤 #stillgoingstrong

Love this!!💘😍

I like this too. One for the wishlist I think 😍

Me too Shelley 🧡 @ShelleySnyder

I can easily send you some seeds Julie. This one grew by self-seeding when my original plant died in that really cold winter several years ago @vec

Thank you @awomanonabike Are you on FB or IG ?

You’re welcome Julie. I am but probably easier to just email me your address @vec

Email sent @awomanonabike 😁

Great. I’ll pop them in the post as soon as I get the chance @vec
Late Spring 2018

Good morning peeps! ...and we’re off again 🧡 This only stopped flowering when I cut it right back a few weeks ago.

Love these but mine didn't survive winter

That’s gorgeous, I love the colours 😍😍

I’ve only lost it once but it had self-seeded so grew back. It is coming out of a very dry corner between two walls, north and west facing. So very dark but very sheltered. Then it reaches a balcony and carries on up... If you’d like some seeds remind me later on and I can let a flower go to seed and pop some in the post 👍 @jeatacake

It is an amazing plant Jane. It shouldn’t really survive but it does. 🧡 Now when you’ve got your pergola... @pelly

Late Spring 2017

These two, #chileangloryflower and #rosagoldenshowers , truly brighten up this shady corner. They get no direct sunlight at all ☀️#shadetolerant ☀️

Thanks @gjones The Chilean glory flower was there first and I wanted something it could grow through. Seems to work ☀️😊

I bet that's a lovely sight when you stand back and look at the whole picture Jacqueline 😍😍😍

TBH Laura I'm only just really beginning to think about it. For the last 20 years it's been damage limitation 😂 @columbiariver

It's not bad Jane 😉😊 @pelly
Hi, new to this app. Like the plants here, particularly as they grow in shade! I have an east facing garden with loads of shade consequently little colour!

Hi Sue, welcome to GT! Take a look at #shade #shadeloving & #shadegarden for lots of inspiration @pendlebird
Thank you. I will!
Mid Spring 2017

First flower of the year in this fabulous climber. It will now continue to flower until I cut it back in early spring. Definitely ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mid Winter 2017

Forget about tea, I needed a drink after doing this. Chilean glory flower is supposed to just be an annual in the U.K. but mine is positively not. It is over 20' high. Or it was....

Sheltered position?

#eccremocarpus #chileangloryflower

Very Katie. Not sunny but in a corner between two buildings, it climbs up from below a balcony, through the balcony, on past a pot with a climbing rose in it, through the rose and on up to the roof, mingling with a clematis Montana on its way. Or it did 😂😂 @brightcolours

Oh I hope so Laura. The rose needed to breathe! 🌼@columbiariver

Impressive feat!

Wow! That took some doing! 👍🏼 I reckon thee'll need a pint of ale now! 😉

I had a Negroni 🍸 It did the trick Rachel. Hic! 😉 @rachelbrooks

Good work 🍸oh and well done for all the pruning too 😉

😂😂Thanks Susie, it was hard but someone has to do it 🍸🍸 @susieg
Mid Autumn 2016

Still going...

#chileangloryflower #eccremocarpus
Mid Summer 2016

It's getting a bit difficult to get out of the kitchen door these days as this fabulous plant takes over. Not that I'm complaining 😊

#chileangloryflower #eccremocarpus #orange
Early Summer 2016

This is a fantastic plant. It comes from a corner between two buildings, under a balcony, facing north. So not what you would think of as ideal! It reaches up to the balcony then on through a rose and a clematis. Although it was killed off by a very cold winter (2010?) when we had temperatures down to -20C it had self-seeded so came back.

#chileangloryflower #eccremocarpus #orange #selfseed

Hi Urszula, Just noticed you wishlist this. Would you like some seeds? I noticed this morning that it still has some seed pods on it. @ublaszko

Yes, that would be great! I've been looking through my wishlist and getting ideas for this summer.

I’ll try and remember to pop them in the post tomorrow. I think I still have your address. It’s a wonderful tropical looking climber 🧡 @ublaszko

Thank you so much!

No problem. Just great to share some #gardenlove 😉😊

Just reread this conversation Urszula. Did I ever send you any seeds? If I did (my memory is so rubbish) how did you get on with them? @ublaszko

You did 😊 I sowed a few seeds back in March but no luck. I think it was not enough light in the house. I'm going to try again once the risk of frost has passed and overwinter them inside for next year 😊

Fingers crossed. There will be more where those came from so let me know if you need them!
#nevergiveup #nevergiveuphope It hasn’t been a great year for me in the garden but to say I was happy when I spotted this tonight… I thought that this was another to have bitten the dust. It may have a long way to go (about 8 feet!) but hopefully it will be as good as it used to be🤞🤞🤞 (Watering can for scale 😂) #eccremocarpus #eccremocarpusscaber 🧡💚🧡
I know the feeling Jacqueline, it’s been an odd year for me too, but we plod on and are lifted when we see the successes
That is good to hear, though sorry for you (I’m sure you know what I mean) but I’m glad it’s not just me. I’ve done far less in the garden this year, partly because of having lost so many plants. Even today I suddenly realised I had no hollyhocks. Where did they go? 🙄😂 @joanboston
It is a great feeling when you find new growth after you are sure you have lost something, much better than buying a new plant
I think gardening is only going to become more challenging as the seasons continue to throw things at us… 😕
Absolutely 100% that Joan! @joannie.a
Sadly I know you are right Katie 😢 @brightcolours