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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
1 Sep 2019 • I’ve never grown biennial #wallflowers before but am really looking forward to these. It feels good to plan for next year’s loveliness as summer moves into autumn 🍂
29 Aug 2019 • Well done #sarahraven Healthy #wallflowers with no plastic packaging in sight 👏👏👏
Woo hoo! No plastic is progress. More should follow this example 😊😊💚💚
Definitely Christine. I was really pleasantly surprised @midnightgardener
@womanonabike That's great 😊😊
Great to see 👍👍
That’s brilliant some things arrive with layers of the stuff totally unnecessary well done Sarah Raven 👏👏😍
I can’t bear all the unnecessary packaging. I was really impressed by this and the plants were safe and secure and in great condition 😊@pauline33
It makes a change doesn’t it? 😊 @pelly
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1 Sep 2019 • I’ve never grown biennial #wallflowers before but am really looking forward to these. It feels good to plan for next year’s loveliness as summer moves into autumn 🍂