Erysimum 'Red Jep'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018

I really like the flowers on this new addition. Perennial wallflowers are fantastic plants for year round wonderfulness 💜❤️💜

It’s a fab one. Love them!

They look stunning

I’ve had Bowles Mauve for years but only really appreciated there are so many other fabulous shades in the last year or two 😍 @rachelbrooks

Thanks Gareth, I think so too 😊 @plaisted562

WOW😍 @awomanonabike

What do you do to look after them? Prune right back after flowering?

It is a bit WOW isn’t it Kim 😂😍 @kimguy

Hi Kate, no you just deadhead them all summer and they should keep flowering. They’re not very long lasting (probably because they use up all their energy flowering 😬) but they are very easy to propagate. Info is in the encyclopaedia but essentially you pot up a cutting of a non-flowering shoot 👍 @tatiemorris

It sure is, Jaqueline!❤💜
9 Aug 18 • One of the casualties of the drought...but only because I overwatered it 😢 #killedbylove
Hmm, I've looked at my wallflower 'Bowles Mauve' this morning and I have no idea if it's overwatered or underwatered. I reckon it's underwatered because some of the leaves are going yellow and dropping but now looking at yours I'm not sure which one it is.
Oh no 😢 it’s so hard to get these things right!
I thought mine was underwatered Urszula so gave it more... It definitely wasn’t. My others are in much drier soil or in pots (including ‘Bowles Mauve’) and are fine @ublaszko
I was worried about it as it hadn’t been in the ground very long. It needed tough love 😉 @AlisaJ
My Red Jep not looking too hot either Jacqueline 😢
Oh Julie! Same problem do you think? 😢 @juliesgarden
No idea , started off ok but not really picked up since the heat Jacqueline 😢
I hope it survives. I was thinking of digging this up and putting it in a pot or even taking a cutting but I don’t think it would survive the shock 🙈 @juliesgarden
Well my Bowles Mauve, which has been so glorious, just died within 10 days. All my others seem ok...not flowering much though. I reckon it’s the weather! Luckily I’d taken cuttings last autumn of most of mine so have another Bowles ready to plant out! I’d definitely do a couple if you can and also pot it on just till the weather ‘normalises’
I just fear it’s on the edge of survival Rachel and if I do anything it will be terminal 🙈 @rachelbrooks
Well then you’re not going to lose either way 🤷🏻♀️ better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...or something like that ☺️