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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
I have seen this beautiful euphorbia described as an annual, but it really needn't be. It just isn't frost hardy so needs bringing inside in the winter. It is worth it though as it just doesn't stop flowering all summer
Thank you for that @awomanonabike I have a couple of these and couldn't find any info on it...🤔 I love froths everywhere 👍🏼
It's fab isn't it? Mine is just in a pot. I might try dividing it and using it for under planting next spring....
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I have seen this beautiful euphorbia described as an annual, but it really needn't be. It just isn't frost hardy so needs bringing inside in the winter. It is worth it though as it just doesn't stop flowering all summer
Thank you for that @awomanonabike I have a couple of these and couldn't find any info on it...🤔 I love froths everywhere 👍🏼
It's fab isn't it? Mine is just in a pot. I might try dividing it and using it for under planting next spring....