Hatiora Gaetneri Red
Spring Cactus Red
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 15
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 7

Hatiora Gaetneri Red
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

7 Apr 2019 • It may only do it once a year but it is so worth it 😍❤️😍 #succulentsunday #eastercactus

Beautiful Jacqui!

Thanks Val. It is such a fantastic #houseplant I’ve had it since I was at school, which was a year or two ago 😬😬😬 @valjones-hughes

That’s stunning ❤️

It’s been very well cared for!

Lovely ❤️👌🏼

That colour ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks Kerry 😊 @kez001uk

If you mean it’s been watered once a week with a bit of added baby bio, then yes it has! No idea what I died when I lived abroad but must have trusted it to my Mum 😉😂 @valjones-hughes

Thanks Elaine 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

It’s good isn’t it. Proper red! ❤️ @pelly

Ha! One of those plants Jacqui. Thrive despite rather than because of their carer!
Mid Autumn 2018

25 Oct 18 • This new leaf caught my eye. The sunlight is shining right through it ❤️

Late Spring 2017

I've just read that this is supposed to be harder to grow than Christmas cactus! This can't be true. I've had it since I was about 14 & it has moved with me through student digs and on and on... 40+ years later, it's still with me 😊😍😊

Ohh I havnt seen this one before 💚 its lovely I hope I can keep my others alive just as long 😂👍

If I can, I'm sure you'll be able to too! Really easy to propagate them too 😊 @kimmy01

Aren't they?! @gjones

That's quite something Jacqueline. It's obviously very happy with you! 👍🏼❤️

I water it, feed it, keep a roof over its head. Just like the rest of the household... 😂😂 @rachelbrooks

25 Apr 2019 • One more also in flower at the moment, even though it was only a cutting a few months ago ❤️🧡 #hatiora-gaertneri
That's a great colour, I'm still waiting for mine to even get buds 🤔🤔
🤔🤔🤔 How strange Sarah. Is it definitely a hatiora and not schlumbergera? @sieveheadsarah
Yep, I've tagged you in an older pic 👍🏼👍🏼😂
Beautiful 💐
Thank you BK 😊 @bks
Beautiful 🧡🧡