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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
I don’t know why I have never posted a photo of this #golden-hop Even on a grey day like today , it glows #humulus-lupulus-aureus
Those leaves are wonderful 🤩
Do you make beer with it? 🍺
They really are Kerry 😊 @kez001uk
😂 No. I did once cook the tips as they’re supposed to be like asparagus. They’re not!!! @lesliecole49
Oooo can't wait till mine gets bigger, still settling in this year
It won’t take long Emma. You can almost which them grow! 😃 @ejonesy
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I don’t know why I have never posted a photo of this #golden-hop Even on a grey day like today , it glows #humulus-lupulus-aureus
Those leaves are wonderful 🤩
Do you make beer with it? 🍺
They really are Kerry 😊 @kez001uk
😂 No. I did once cook the tips as they’re supposed to be like asparagus. They’re not!!! @lesliecole49
Oooo can't wait till mine gets bigger, still settling in this year
It won’t take long Emma. You can almost which them grow! 😃 @ejonesy