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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
I have had this little #lewisia for years and it has been on the verge of dying for most of that time…I finally dug it up and put it in a pot and woohoo 🎉 💕
Lovely vibrant colour.
Thanks Annie. It may be small but it packs quite a punch! @anniew7
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I have had this little #lewisia for years and it has been on the verge of dying for most of that time…I finally dug it up and put it in a pot and woohoo 🎉 💕
Lovely vibrant colour.
Thanks Annie. It may be small but it packs quite a punch! @anniew7