Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Fire Dance'
Chinese Fringe Flower 'Fire Dance'
Mid Spring 2021
- 14
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Late Autumn 2019
- 10
Mid Spring 2019
- 12
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 10

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Fire Dance'
Mid Spring 2021
Mid Summer 2020

This took a bit of a hammering early in the year when it was so dry and I neglected it but it has recovered and is making up for it now 💗 #loropetalum #loropetalumchinensefiredance

I just noticed new flowers coming on mine today. Lovely surprise

There a lovely surprise aren’t they, and hard to miss! @joanboston

How lovely and even better as it was unexpected 💗💗💗
Late Autumn 2019

30 Nov 19 • Blue skies and hard frost here ❄️😍 but do I risk leaving this out or should I be putting it in the greenhouse like I did last year 🤔🤔🤔 #lorapetalum-chinense-var-rubrum

Morning Jacqueline, we had blue skies and hard frost too, now it's thick fog 🙁😮

Oh what a shame. Have you any hills nearby? I bet it’s an inversion, my favourite weather phenomenon 👌 @pelly

Flat as a pancake Jacqueline, no hills for miles 😊😊

Railway bridge?! 😉😂 @pelly

One the other end of town 🤣🤣

I’d put it in the greenhouse! Better to be safe than sorry! 😬 hope mine is going to be ok now it has no Box hedge sheltering it! 🤞🏼

Maybe I should have done... 🤔😬 @rachelbrooks

Oh?! Has it suffered overnight? 😬😨

Well...no. It looked absolutely fine earlier. It is in quite a sheltered corner but I am now wondering if I should have put it in the greenhouse. Time will tell... @rachelbrooks
Mid Spring 2019

6 May 2019 • Such a gorgeous #pink 💕

Love it! Mine suffered in snow and wind last winter so I need to remember to cover it with fleece during the colder months. It's more pink brown than purple-black.

💕 love it

It is so pink Maggie 😊 @gardengirlla

Bits of mine are a bit tatty but it’s in a pot and I put it under cover when it got very cold @ublaszko

I think you may have inspired me to get this Rachel @rachelbrooks

Start ‘em young I say! It seems to grow well in a pot if that helps 🤔@gardengirlla

Thanks Maggie. You too 😊 @gardengirlla

I believe I may have 😉 s’luvvly though isn’t it?! 😘

Love this, it’s on my wish list 💕💕

It is. Really lovely 👌💕 @rachelbrooks

And so it should be Jane! I just wish it wasn’t a bit tender but it seems to be doing well in a pot so far 🤔 @pelly
Mid Spring 2018

26 Apr 2018 • This beauty was seriously put off by the ‘Beast from the East’ but is now making up for it...Big time 💕🖤💕🖤💕

Love this 💕💕

It is a real eye catcher now it is in flower, but the leaves are so dark it has been looking good anyway. Just hope I can keep it alive 🙄 @pelly
Early Winter 2018

10 January 2018 • Look what’s arrived! Thank you to @rachelbrooks for the inspiration. If you look closely you can even see a flower 😍

Oh I almost forgot. Thanks to @thompsonmorgan1855 too 👍


Ooh how fabulous! Glad I’m such an inspiration! 😜😘 they look great when all the little firework flowers come out 💕

I’m chuffed with it but wonder if I might need to rush it into the greenhouse if it gets really cold @rachelbrooks

Well mine is out all year round but then we are a tad milder here...might be a good idea for its first winter 👍🏼

A tad! Is yours in the ground or in a pot? @rachelbrooks

In the ground Jacqueline, but it is also on the more sheltered side of my garden and behind the box hedge so it has a cushty life really...😬

Why have you hidden it behind a box hedge? 😂 @rachelbrooks

Well it wasn’t intentional! 🙈 it doesn’t grow very quickly...unlike the box hedge which is getting a little too big for its roots! 🙄😂
I’ve decided to come clean with some of my #failures ... May this be a lesson to you all - and me 🙄 If a plant is not fully frost hardy it means it! If it’s going to be below -5C then get off your backside (I’m talking to myself here) and get outside and either put it in the greenhouse or throw some fleece over it. There is hope, if you look close enough 👀 🔍💕
Oh that’s a shame Jacqueline, I’m pretty sure we’ve all done the same at some point, hopefully it’ll be looking fabulous again soon 👍🏼
I do hope so Sarah. I’m keeping everything crossed for that little bit of pink 💕 @sieveheadsarah
I didn't prune mine back because the branches are still alive but stripped all the brown foliage and I can see signs of new buds.
I did wonder about leaving the branches Urszula 🤔 Maybe I should have done but the ends we’re definitely dead @ublaszko
I agree....my husband thought I was joking when I said ‘I wonder if they make covers for pergolas so the Wisteria won’t catch the frost’ he just stared....😆 yes I think you might be lucky there Jacqueline 🤞🏼🤞🏼
That's a shame. I'm not 100% sure if the ends are alive or dead but I figured I'd wait until I see signs of new growth so I know how far to cut back. Might need to buy some fleece for next year. It's the snow that did mine all the damage.
😂 I had that same conversation with my sister. I told her she needed some fleece, she asked if a blanket would do... @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Oh I’m sure you were right to do that. Mine was fine until some very cold nights and cold winds in Feb 🥲 @ublaszko
I think a few of us have struggled with these this winter 🤔
I lost my 20 yr old schefflera last week, due to a couple chilly nights... #fingerscrossed for survival for you as well!