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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
From seeds to this in three years 😍 #miliumeffusum-aureum #miliumeffusum
Well Done 👏👏👏
It is pretty “wow” isn’t it @charlotte
Thanks Shona ☺️ @sho47
Fabulous 👍🏻
Thanks Laura 😊 @columbiariver
It’s not bad is it Julie 😊 @juliesgarden
Fab 👍🏻
They’ve taken ages and there are only two but two is better than none 🙂 #miliumeffusum #miliumeffusum-aureum
Apparently there are three according to a younger member of the household 🤪
Always ask a young person...they know everything! 🤨 They do in my house...apparently! 😉)
They’ve definitely got better eye sight 🙄😂 @rachelbrooks
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From seeds to this in three years 😍 #miliumeffusum-aureum #miliumeffusum
Well Done 👏👏👏
It is pretty “wow” isn’t it @charlotte
Thanks Shona ☺️ @sho47
Fabulous 👍🏻
Thanks Laura 😊 @columbiariver
It’s not bad is it Julie 😊 @juliesgarden
Fab 👍🏻