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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
27 Jul 2019 • Jane! I have flowers! 🌸🌸🌸 Though guessing they’re not ‘Ballerina White’ after all 😉😘 #guara @pelly
Got to have gaura in a garden. The more colours the better, (I probably need a white one!)
I would love to grow them again but I think I will have to either grow them from seed or in pots, as I haven’t got them to overwinter in my garden in the past 🤔 @valjones-hughes
Great but I don’t know what happened there!! I do have a pink one but it was new this spring 🤔🤔💞
How strange. I love them anyway! @pelly
That’s ok then 😍 you’ll have to send me some seeds from them if you manage to collect any 🙄😂
Haha! That will be interesting. I will certainly do my best @pelly
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27 Jul 2019 • Jane! I have flowers! 🌸🌸🌸 Though guessing they’re not ‘Ballerina White’ after all 😉😘 #guara @pelly
Got to have gaura in a garden. The more colours the better, (I probably need a white one!)
I would love to grow them again but I think I will have to either grow them from seed or in pots, as I haven’t got them to overwinter in my garden in the past 🤔 @valjones-hughes
Great but I don’t know what happened there!! I do have a pink one but it was new this spring 🤔🤔💞
How strange. I love them anyway! @pelly
That’s ok then 😍 you’ll have to send me some seeds from them if you manage to collect any 🙄😂
Haha! That will be interesting. I will certainly do my best @pelly