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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
31 Aug 2019 • Isn’t it just the prettiest little thing 💚
It's beautiful 💗💚
Apparently if it hadn’t been blowing a hooley I might have noticed that it smelled of honey 🍯@pelly
Very pretty! Beautiful picture 😊💕
Thanks Terri 😊 I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before but will look out for it now 🌸 @terrimclaughlin
Ooooh 😍
That's pretty 💗
31 Aug 2019 • I spotted this gorgeous #wildflower out walking today. I haven’t identified it yet. Any ideas?
Well I never! It’s Grass of Parnassus and is apparently the county flower of Cumberland and appears on its flag #Parnassia-palustris
It makes you wonder what we don't know about our own county Jacqueline, I've just looked up mine and apparently it the Common Dogtooth Violet 👍💜
It’s interesting isn’t it. Kendal is in what was Westmorland and the flag has a golden apple tree on it. Wishful thinking I’d say 🤣 @pelly
It’s a beautiful wildflower
It really is Sharon. Just lovely 💚@sharonhayden
What a gorgeous little bloom 💕 just looked ours up and it says ‘Common Poppy’ sounds about right 😆 in fact I think I’ve met her 🤔🤣
Good Heavens, I’d forgotten about Westmorland!! 😱😂
🤣🤣 I bet she’s lovely 😊 @rachelbrooks
Ours is a Heather I didn't even realise there was a county flower, learn something new everyday on here, yours is much prettier
You do don’t you. It’s a real sweetie isn’t it Carol 😊 @carolgs
Amazing flower!
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31 Aug 2019 • Isn’t it just the prettiest little thing 💚
It's beautiful 💗💚
Apparently if it hadn’t been blowing a hooley I might have noticed that it smelled of honey 🍯@pelly
Very pretty! Beautiful picture 😊💕
Thanks Terri 😊 I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before but will look out for it now 🌸 @terrimclaughlin
Ooooh 😍
That's pretty 💗