Prunus persica 'Peregrine'
Peach 'Peregrine'
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Mid Summer 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 19
Early Spring 2018
- 8
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 10
Late Winter 2017
- 11

Prunus persica 'Peregrine'
Early Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2021

Apparently we are having grilled #peach #courgette and feta tonight 🍑🍑🍑🍑 #gyo (I didn’t make the feta 🙄)

Ooh, I like the sound of that, maybe a drizzle of 🍯 too 😋

Very possibly… My son’s girlfriend is coming tonight so I shall just have to wait and see 😋 @sieveheadsarah


That’s Cumbrian weather for you Charlotte 😉😂 @charlotte
Mid Spring 2020

So many #tinytreasures I think these might be my favourite 😋 🍑
Early Spring 2018

23 March 2018 • Well that was stressful. Pass the gin 🍸💕

Chin chin Jacqueline 🍸🍸

Cheers Jane! Hic! 😉 @pelly

I would say it was worth the stress, it looks absolutely beautiful 😊

Thanks Natalie! I just find it so hard to cut back anything, let alone something that might grow into a peach 🙄😂 @natii

At least you’re not throwing them away...they look great.👍🏼👍🏼

Definitely not Elaine. The blossom is beautiful and scented too 💕🌸💕 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

@awomanonabike yes it’s one of the nicest blossoms there is....and crab apple.

Do you have a peach Elaine? How do you prune yours? @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Oh I do hope so Laura. It’s been a long one @columbiariver

@awomanonabike no Jacquline I haven’t but last year I bought a patio pear and a patio apricot....I nearly bought a peach but thought the others were more hardy. The pear looks great just about to blossom but the apricot looks a bit iffy. So,sorry I know nothing about peach trees.🍐🍑

Absolutely stunning Jacqueline 💞
Early Spring 2018

23 March 2018 • It must be coffee time... Every year I find pruning the peach tree so stressful, I have to have a little sit down first ☕️🍪

It’s after midday...have a gin! 😉

😂😂 I will need one when I’ve finished. It is seriously stressful. It just can’t be right to cut all these blossoms off 😱 I hate doing it @rachelbrooks

Why do you have to cut the blossoms off?🌸🤔

Mainly because I always forget to cut the shoots back after they’ve fruited. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to get into the greenhouse at all 😱 @pelly

I’m glad I’m not the only one 😥 😉 😂@gjones

😂😂😂 Did you think I just fancied an early afternoon tipple Laura?! 😉😂 @columbiariver

Cheers Laura 🥂 @columbiariver
Early Summer 2017

🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑=😊 #gyo #glut

Yum yum 😍😍😍

They really are! @skaryskates @pelly

So could I Jason,but that will take a few more years of climate change 😉 For now, it's against the back wall of the greenhouse @Jasonsparkes1

😂 😉 me neither...The peach is a deciduous tree native to North West China - according to Wikipedia 👍🏻 @Jasonsparkes1

What a fantastic crop 👏👏

Thanks Diane. It's been an amazing crop this year, this is just a fraction. We are going to have to decide what to do with them all! @Diane76
Early Spring 2017

I don't know if it was the paintbrush or the 🐝 but looks like we should get some 🍑


Yay 👍👍👍

Early Spring 2017

So there I was busy-as-a-bee with my paintbrush, when I looked up and realised someone had got there before me #bumblebee #wildlifewednesday

Fab photo 😊

@jaynehynesburton Thanks Jayne. It was there for ages, buried right in there

What a great pic 👏🏼

@susieg Thanks Susie ☺️

Beautiful picture ✨✨✨

@johnson8301 Thank you Karen. Was quite chuffed with it 😉


Beautiful 📷👏

@juliesgarden @lovestogarden Thanks Julie & Janice 😊
Late Winter 2017

Every year I stare at the pages of the RHS pruning book trying to work out what I'm supposed to be doing. It takes days to pluck up the courage to start pruning but somehow, we always manage to get lots of gorgeous peaches. 🍑 🍑 🍑 First cut off broken branches, take into house & enjoy 🌸🌸🌸


So lovely Jacqueline. You must be doing something right. 😍😍 @awomanonabike

Thanks Janice 😊 @lovestogarden

It's weird Jane. Every year it stresses me out & every year we have lots of peaches. It's almost as if the tree knows what to do 😂😂 @pelly

Then stop stressing Jacqueline. It's obviously a waste of precious energy that could be used somewhere else. You get your Peaches, enjoy them @awomanonabike 😍😍

I went to a talk yesterday about fruit trees. The horticulturist that spoke said trees are very forgiving and took a lot of the stress for me. He said just cut them when you want and the way you want them to grow. He said "Just enjoy your gardening". 😀

You are so right Jane. I will do my best xx @pelly

That is a good philosophy for gardening Janice 👌🏼👍🏻😊@lovestogatden

Oh, I can relate deeply to your posts about pruning! I have felt exactly the same way, will try to "lighten up" about pruning! 😂😂

I usually enjoy pruning Elisa but the peach tree just gets to me! 😂😂@riakat
I thinned them I swear 😳 🍑 🍑🍑 #peach #prunus-persica #prunuspersica #prunus-persica-peregrine
Wow….. which part of the country are you in?
I can smell them from here! 🍑🍑🍑 #yum #eatwhatyougrow #freefood #homegrown #sweetandtasty #frommygarden #tasty #freshisbest #goodforyou
Peach schnapps anyone? 🍹🍹🍹
😂 I’m in Costa del Cumbria David 😉 (It’s in the greenhouse) @Davidward
The smell is wonderful isn’t it 😊 @KariSamuel
Absolutely! Actually that’s not true. I didn’t. I’m useless at it. It seems such a waste but my OH did 🙄@columbiariver
Come on over and I’ll keep you some ✈️😊 @gjones
Now there’s an idea! 🍸I did purée some last year and we added some to Prosecco 🥂🍑 It was 👌 @pelly
They look luscious
They are! 😋 @joannie.a
Ahhh haaaa….. how lovely Jacqueline 👍