Ribes uva-crispa
Mid Winter 2020
Early Summer 2018

13 Jul 2018 • Bottling time 🍸 This has been steeping since Christmas (I made it with some of last year’s gooseberries that I had frozen) #gyo #gooseberry #gin

Ooh I’m gonna be drunk! 😆😆

You don’t have to drink it all Rachel 🙄😉😂

No you’re right there...half a glass will probably do it!! 😂

Slurpy delicious Jacqueline.
Early Summer 2018

5 Jul 3018 • The #gooseberries are not going to get any bigger without some rain and none is forecast in the near future, so it must be gooseberry and elderflower sorbet time 😊 #gyo

Oh no crumble for me please 😍

😂 A bit hot for crumble and my main crumble eater has gone to Skye for a long weekend 😉😂 Strawberry and goosberry tart is a possibility though 🤔 @suerichards

That sounds delicious 😍😍

First year mine have fruited Jacqueline. Some are starting to turn red -should I wait for them all to turn red before picking? I love gooseberry tart and cream 😍

It is Jane. I think it’s something to do with how much fibre they have, they make a sorbet with the texture of ice cream 🍦😊 @pelly

Mine aren’t that type and won’t ever go red. I suppose it depends how tart you like them Nicola *pardon the pun 😉 @jendren


Tart and sorbet..? 🤔😉😋

Strawberry tart with gooseberry sorbet...? 🤔😉😋😂 @rachelbrooks

Hmmm...maybe gooseberry tart with strawberry sorbet 😉

Also good, but have you ever had gooseberry and elderflower sorbet?! I might have to try and keep you some 🙊 @rachelbrooks
Another good activity for a wet and windy weekend #gooseberry-gin bottling Chin! Chin! 🍸🍸
👍hic hic 🤭👌
Oooo yes please 🙂
Did someone say gin 🍸🍸
Thank you, I don't mind if I do 🍷🍷
Slurpy delicious Jacqueline
Ooh, I bet that’s delicious Jacqueline 😍. Hopefully my red gooseberry bush will fruit this year, I’ll defo be making this.
🙌😂 @sadieberg
Ice? @charlotte
Might have done 😎 @juliesgarden
Cheers Jane 🍸🍸 @pelly
Verily 😋 @jendren