Rosa 'Golden Showers'
Rose 'Golden Showers'
Late Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 10
Late Autumn 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 3

Rosa 'Golden Showers'
Late Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018

1 May 2018 • Well that looks a bit better. Quite late doing this but everything is late this year...

@awomanonabike Yes it does look better 😊I hope my Pink Cordyline comes back I should've protected it and I've had to cut leaves 😕poor thing it was so stunning when I got it, now it looks half dead thanks to my neglect 😮it was £20 too!! How was the Harrogate show? Did you get any good ideas and bring back anything out of this world??!!😊😊

Thank you Christine. Oh dear. I had a pink cordylline once... 😱 Harrogate was great. I might have bought one or two plants ☺️ I’ll post them as soon as I can 👍😊 @midnightgardener
Late Spring 2017

💛💚💛 This is a great rose if you need a rose for a shady spot #shade

It's lively, I've added it to my wish list 🌞

Mine isn't even in the ground Sarah, so it's pretty robust @sieveheadsarah

That's good to know, I'm looking for a couple of roses for pots to go in front of our new shed (once the other half has built it) that are happy in shade. 🌞

I have this too, fabulous rose, seems to flower forever 💛😄

That would be most of my garden then 😄 good tip 👍

Yes it does doesn't it.🤔 I have a photo on here from last autumn of it in flower 😊 @katgreen

Looks like this one would work Sarah. It's in a fairly large pot on a balcony & needs to be tied down or it would grow up to the roof! @sieveheadsarah

That's you and me both Susie! 😉😊 @susieg

Isn't it lovely ☀️ @gjones
Late Autumn 2016

It's 28th November. We have had hard frosts and high winds, yet look what I just found! This makes me very happy 😊

I know what you mean 🤗🤗

#goldenshowers #rose #yellowrose
Early Summer 2016

Rosa Golden showers thriving in a #dark, #north facing corner

Stunning Rose 👍good pic 📷

Thank you @plants It does amazingly, given its position and the fact it is in a pot not the ground
19 Sep 18 • I walk into this, literally, every time I go out of the kitchen door but I can’t bear to cut it off or tie it up out of the way as it is so lovely 💛
Is this the same rose that you have just posted Pauline? they look very similar #yellow-rose #yellow @pauline33
Your right it is Jacqueline isn't it pretty such a delicate lemon when it's open ☺️💛💛
It’s really pretty and the bonus for me is that it likes shade 👍😊 @pauline33
💛 beautiful 💛
Thank you 😘 @rachelbrooks
Very lovely. #yellowrose #yellowflowers #septemberblooms
Thank you Katie 😊 @brightcolours