Rubus idaeus 'Joan J'
Raspberry 'Joan J' (Autumn Fruiting Raspberry)
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 15

Rubus idaeus 'Joan J'
Late Autumn 2021
Late Summer 2019

29 Aug 2019 • Hoping to get out into the garden today for the first time in over a week - except for my visits to pick these 😋

Ooh yum! I remember them! 😋


My favourite fruit ❤❤

They have been so good already this year and there are loads more 💗@rachelbrooks

Do you have room for some Jane? The autumn ones are so easy to grow 😍 @pelly

I must admit I've been wondering if I could fit some in somewhere 👍👍

I hope you can. They are so delicious and so easy to grow @pelly

Mid Summer 2018

3 Aug 2018 • I spy with my little eye... 💕

Ohh, my favourite fruit ❤❤

A perfect specimen...

Do you have any? They are very easy to grow...especially the autumn ones. They fruit on the current year’s canes so you just chop them down to the ground at the end of the fruiting season @pelly

And the blackbirds can’t reach it 😉😂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

My neighbour use to grow loads and he allowed us to take them when he was on holiday so went over with bowl in hand and every one had been eaten by bugs, so came home with empty bowl...☹️

No I haven’t Jacqueline, but would like too 👍👍

What a shame! I suppose the thought was there... @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Well you do have a bit more space 😉What direction does your new fence face? 🤔🤔 @pelly

South west Jacqueline, but they wouldn’t look right in there. You can get them now that grow in hanging baskets, I’m going to have a look at that 👍👍

I saw those in T&M catalogue that arrived yesterday. Interesting 🤔 Definitely worth a punt @pelly

I got my catalogue yesterday too, but I saw them in one of their emails. I think I may have a go, especially with having all the new fencing to hang things from 👍👍
I was going to chop down the raspberries today, but they’re still fruiting 😃 #raspberries #autumn-raspberries #raspberry-joan-j