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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
26 Oct 18 • Here you go Rach. Self-seeded sorrel. It’s popping up everywhere 😊 #foliagefriday @rachelbrooks
Oh it’s lovely 💚💜💚 maybe in my veg patch next year I shall just grow pretty things like this!
This and Swiss chard in all its colours 🧡💚❤️💜 It will look beautiful @rachelbrooks
And purple kale too!
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26 Oct 18 • Here you go Rach. Self-seeded sorrel. It’s popping up everywhere 😊 #foliagefriday @rachelbrooks
Oh it’s lovely 💚💜💚 maybe in my veg patch next year I shall just grow pretty things like this!
This and Swiss chard in all its colours 🧡💚❤️💜 It will look beautiful @rachelbrooks
And purple kale too!