Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitts Double'
Chinese Meadow Rue 'Hewitts Double'
Late Summer 2021
- 10
Late Summer 2018
- 10
Mid Summer 2017
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 8

Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitts Double'
Late Summer 2021
Late Summer 2018

13 Sep 18 • Last #purple flower I promise 😉

I really need these...........badly 💜💜

It's lovely 👍

🤣🤣🤣 It took a while to get going this year but is looking lovely now @pelly

Thanks Diane 😊 @Diane76

too cute!

may i follow you also on facebook? :D sorry for posting here, i couldn't find how to send you a personal message: i'm new here)

Hi Narek, there isn’t anywhere else to post messages on here, though it has been asked for. I’m not a fan of Facebook so rarely post there. Welcome to GardenTags 👍 @Narek

Thank you. And don't you have any personal blog?

Nope! 😂 @Narek
Mid Summer 2017

I know a lot of you have had a very wet day, so here is something to cheer you...really enjoying this thalictrum 💜💚

That's so pretty Jacqueline , it would go well at the back of my pink/purple border. 💖💖💖

It's been fabulous this year Jane & looks great when it catches the sun @pelly

Thanks! Needed that here! 💦☔️ I gave up waiting for my original purple and white one to flower and bought this one the other day! 😬 it's so lovely 💜

So I gathered! It was very windy here but at least it was dry. I hope yours performs as well as mine has this year. It has such tiny flowers but you can see it across the garden 💜💜💜 @rachelbrooks

You can! Even though my new one isn't very big, it keeps catching my eye 👍🏼💜

#chinesemeadowrue #thalictrum

Here’s mine 💜 @littleshed1
Mid Summer 2017

This is so difficult to capture in a photo. And as for growing to a height of 120cm? This is way taller than that, but lovely 💜

Gorgeous Jacqueline 💞💖💞

Thanks Jane. It's done really well this year - but I've no idea why! @pelly

Mine is around six feet. So lovely

Isn't it Joan. All light and airy @joanboston

I am so jealous 😩 mine is a clump of leaves not even a foot tall!

Maybe it just takes time? @rachelbrooks 🤞🏻

Yes... #theresalwaysnextyear 😊
I meant to tie this up earlier in the summer but I actually rather like the way it is arching over 💜 #thalictrumhewittsdouble #thalictrum
Thank you Laura 😊 It didn’t do so well last year but it has definitely liked something about this year’s weather @columbiariver
such a nice color pop
That is lovely
Thank you 😊 @racha
It is exactly that 👍😊 @gjones
Thanks Joan 😊 @joannie.a
Hello Suzanne! How lovely to hear from you. They are lovely aren’t they? This one has had its off years but I love it. White you say? 🤔😂 @suzyw
Actually I’ve just discovered that Cercis silaquatrum, which I have always wanted, is fully hardy and doesn’t need acid soil (not sure where I got that idea from!)…may have to get the card out again 😬 @suzyw
Thanks Suzanne, I haven’t heard of them. I love a spindle tree too. Oh what is a girl to do? 🙄😂 @suzyw