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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
1 May 2019 • And these are the red version. Just so good ❤️💚 #tulip-red
Oh these are fantastic 😍😍😍
They are wonderful Rich. I think I lose one or two each year so may have to replenish them but I don’t think that’s bad by tulip standards 😉 @richard.spicer.7906
8 May 2018 • Can you have too much red?
Beautiful 😍
Never 😆😆😆 looks lovely
Thanks Sue 😍 @suerichards
Thank you Kim! There’s a coral bark acer too, on the left that’s just out of the picture 🤔😂 @jonners73
Love the #colourcombo
Thanks Jennifer. It wasn’t planned (little of my garden is 🙄) but I’m glad you like it 😊 @euphorbia
That looks beautiful Jacqueline 😊
Ravishing! ❣️❣️❣️
Aw, thanks Rachel 😘 @rachelbrooks
Striking tulips 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷😘
WoooooooW 😍
And this is the red version of Spring Green 💚❤️💚
A stunning #tulip ❤💚 I've got the Flaming Spring Green...
Beautiful colours and shape 😍
That's lovely Jacqueline ❤💚❤
Gawjus but do like the creamy one best just my preference 💚
@OICANALP That's a stunner too. I really like the viridifloras & they seem to be pretty tough too 😊
@riakat Aren't they Elisa, gorgeous proportions
@pelly Thanks Jane, im really pleased I got them. They seem to be multiplying too 😊😊😊
@juliesgarden 🌹🌹🌹
@Keely Thanks Keely... I couldn't possibly choose
That's good then Jacqueline ❤💚❤
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1 May 2019 • And these are the red version. Just so good ❤️💚 #tulip-red
Oh these are fantastic 😍😍😍
They are wonderful Rich. I think I lose one or two each year so may have to replenish them but I don’t think that’s bad by tulip standards 😉 @richard.spicer.7906