Verbascum chaixii 'Album'
White nettle-leaved Mullein
Early Summer 2018
- 14
Early Summer 2017
- 14

Verbascum chaixii 'Album'
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2017

I think I've discovered the secret of growing #verbascum. They love alkaline, poor well-drained soil aka #buildersdebris

Lol good to know 😆

Jacqui, I can't be the only one with builders debris instead of topsoil, can I?! 😂😂 @Muzz67

Nope, Jacqueline, I too dig through dumped gravel and junk that was dumped in my front yard. These are really lovely.

😂😂 I have one bed that is essentially made of broken bricks & slate 😱 Thanks Janice, the verbascum like it, so every cloud... @lovestogarden

Wow, you had some lazy builders. Ours probably was that bad too, but we are not first owners and I have removed a lot over the 22 years we have lived here. I am glad you found the silver!

Wow, you had some lazy builders. Ours probably was that bad too, but we are not first owners and I have removed a lot over the 22 years we have lived here. I am glad you found the silver!

Haha! We're not the first owners either and the house used to be part of a mill. I think there was a large chimney in the garden that was demolished and pushed to the edge to make a boundary = my only south facing bed!! @lovestogarden

Interesting. Sounds like there was some lazy going on. 😱

That's prob why mine did well as mines alkaline too, hope they return next year 😍

You don't know the half of it Janice. It was owned by builders who brought hardcore & rubbish to level the ground, so as to make a drive through cement works - all without planning permission. I cried when I once dug out a 50 litre water container 😢@lovestogarden

I hope so too Keely. This one and the purple one (I'll try and post a photo) seem to be pretty reliable but I've lost count how many times I've planted Jackie 🤔😂😂 @Keely
30 Jun 2018 • Some to plants just want to grow 🌸🌿
A pretty flower gifted you. #verbascum
That's lovely Jacqueline 😍😍
I love plants that self-seed in unexpected places @lovestogarden
Thanks Jane. It doesn’t seem to mind the drought either 👍😊 @pelly
That's lovely Jacqueline 😍
Thanks Jeff. It’s a really pretty one so I don’t mind where it pops up 😊😊 @jeatacake
That’s beautiful 💕
Thanks Sue. It has placed itself perfectly 😉😊 @suerichards
Self-seeking is the best...unless I don't want it! 👏😉
😂😂 I like the idea of self-seeking plants Janice. Very New Age 😉 @lovestogarden
I really need to proof better! 😂😂 *Self-seeding 😂😂😂❤