Prunus armeniaca
Apricot Tree
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Late Winter 2022
- 3
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 1

Prunus armeniaca
Early Summer 2022
Late Winter 2022

As expected, my four-year-old apricot tree has produced a plethora of flower buds this year. This is the first to blossom. We’ve come along way since a struggling seed! #apricot #seedtotree #blossom #flower

Wow well done only 4 years

Well worth the wait 🙌
Early Spring 2021

Apricot tree grown from seed is producing its first flowers! Only two buds but next year should be great 🙂 #apricot #spring #sun #flowers #fruit
Mid Spring 2020

I haven’t done an apricot update in a while but here it is! Still alive and kicking! #apricot #spring #fruit #tree #sun
Mid Summer 2019

It’s been a while since my last Apricot tree update but it’s here! Alive and well and in the ground. It’s going to face its first outdoor winter this year so fingers crossed 🤞 #apricot #tree #summer #seed
Late Winter 2019

IT’S ALIVE!!! I’m very pleased my seed-grown Apricot tree survived the winter 😁 Onwards and upwards!
Late Winter 2019

Hello again! Here with the first Apricot update of 2019! I’ve finally planted the Apricot tree in its permanent spot in the garden. Fingers crossed it blooms 🤞I can’t believe this time last year this tree was just a tiny seed! Here’s to #2019! #Apricot #Spring #Sunshine
Mid Autumn 2018

What a journey we’ve had this year! From a struggling rotting seed to a beautiful strong Apricot tree. It’s done growing this year and I’ve brought it inside the shed to hibernate for winter. Let’s hope it perks up again in spring for planting, fingers crossed 🤞 Until then, Happy Halloween 👻

Brilliant! Well done 😊

@bluefox23 thank you ☺️

Good work!

@devon34 thanks
Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Another monthly update on my Apricot plant and wow has it grown! There was an accident where it fell from an elevated place and the pot broke. Also had to cut a small branch as it was damaged from the fall. But this Apricot is growing amazingly well! I need to repot! #apricot #fruit #summer

Wow! That is a lot of growth. 😊

@bluefox23 it’s incredible how fast the Apricot grows, I’m looking forward to planting it in the ground next year

Will you need to overwinter it or will it be ok outside during winter. 😊

@bluefox23 For this winter I’ll be keeping it in our shed away from the frost. I’ve researched into Apricots and fortunately they can survive and grow outdoors with the right amount of care.

Great. Good luck. 😊

@bluefox23 thank you ☺️ hopefully it survives for another series of photos next year 😬
Early Summer 2018

Another month another update! What an amazing month it’s been for the Apricot seedling, almost doubled its size, side shoots, it’s looking beautiful! #apricot #seedling #summer #sun #fruit

Nice! I'd never seen an apricot tree before.

@rzgonsalves me neither, it’s worked up a treat!
Late Spring 2018

It’s been a month already since my last update on the Apricot seedling, boy does time fly! The plant is doing very well, I’m so pleased! 😁 #Apricot #fruit #plant #seedling #spring
Mid Spring 2018

Another 10 days, another update on my Apricot seedling. Leaves have started to become bigger, they look droopy but I think it’s like that naturally for apricots? Looking wonderful nonetheless! I’ll start doing monthly updates now because it’ll get to the point where you can’t see much difference if I upload every 10 days 😄 #spring #fruit #apricot #seedling
Mid Spring 2018

These 10 days are just flying! Another update on my Apricot seedling, and it’s looking fantastic! #apricot #seedling #fruit #spring
Early Spring 2018

Yet again another 10 days since I last updated about the Apricot seedling. I’m so happy with how it’s recovered and progressed! #apricot #fruit #spring #seedling
Early Spring 2018

It’s been another 10 days since I updated about the once-struggling apricot seedling. Safe to say it’s going quite alright! #apricot #fruit #seedling #spring
Early Spring 2018

10 days since the last picture of the struggling apricot seedling, I think it’s safe to say it’s doing quite well! #apricot #seedling #fruit
Late Winter 2018

Desperately trying to keep this apricot seedling alive! Ate a few apricots last summer and this is the only one to have sprouted, but it’s been constantly attacked by mould and fungus! I’ve kept cleaning it off, waiting until the seedling is established. It is growing a root and the seedling is appearing a little bit there, hang on! #fruit #seed #apricot #mould #PrayForApricot
Only four years from seed, the fruit of this apricot tree is absolutely amazing. So sweet. Please look back at how it started out. #apricot #fruit #summer #apricottree #sweet #orchard
wow! Seed grown and still worth eating? Bravo! In a few years you could sell scion wood to grafters.
@sushiwaitress Thank you! The taste caught me by surprise. Incredibly delicious, so very sweet
You might have discovered the next big thing in apricots! You can name your own cultivar!
Fabulous story well done - wonder if it will work with a plum- did you crack open the nut? Walnuts sprout up here where the squirrels bury them 😂
@sushiwaitress I wouldn’t even know where to start! I think I should look into it
@sharonhayden I cracked open three or four nuts four years ago. Placed them in a wet paper towel in the fridge. All perished but one. If you see my first post in this story, you’ll see how the mould almost killed this one. Look at it now!
There's a Backyard Fruit Growers group on Facebook -- maybe there'll be something local to you.
@sushiwaitress thank you :) I’ll give that a look
There's also
@sushiwaitress thank you :) I’ve shared some apricots with family and they can’t believe how delicious it is. I’m starting to wonder whether apricots normally grow from seed like this? Otherwise I’m too lucky
Most of the fruit we get in grocery stores comes from grafted trees. For apples, definitely, but for apricots I'm not sure. I definitely think you've got something special. It takes thousands of apple seedlings to get one new apple variety. Your apricot makes amazing fruit at only 4 years old?? That's really fast for any kind of fruit production.