Pyrus communis
Late Spring 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 3

Pyrus communis
Late Spring 2019
Early Autumn 2018
Mid Spring 2018

What’s going on with my pear tree leaves??? 🤔 Anyone? #Pear #fruit #disease #leaf #sick #spring

Not sure cd be some sort of scale insect maybe ☺

@Williamson I do hope it doesn’t harm the tree or the fruit 😞

Thats pear leaf blister mite

@bobfelton yes unfortunately, however it doesn’t seem to have affected most of the pears thankfully
Early Spring 2018

Pear blossoms 👌 #pear #blossom #sunshine #fruit #spring

Lovely photo. Looks like you could get a bumper crop, fingers crossed 🤞

@carolineparr235 thank you ☺️ yes this little 7 year old pear tree does pack a punch! It’s just naturally grown slowly due to being planted in a shady area I reckon. We’ll see come autumn!
If you look at last years Pear tree pictures, you’ll see beautiful blossoms which blessed us with many pears. This year the tree literally has 1 pear growing no thanks to this nasty disease which has hit it HARD! Any tips on how to stop it? #pear #disease #help
Check the stems and trunk if they're also turning black it could be fire blight which then there isn't much hope but it could be just a fungal disease that can be treated with a fungicide hopefully👍
@tinaaune I took this last year and thankfully the bark hadn’t turned black. Beside it was a badly infected apple tree that was riddled with canker. I had to sadly chop down the apple tree this winter. Hopefully it’ll support the pear to thrive
Aw, that really sucks when you have them for so long and then something attacks and u have to say goodbye 👋 I have a 15 year old apple with fire blight and haven't had the heart yo chop it yet, still producing and all the others are fine
@tinaaune If yours is still producing it’s still fighting strong. Our apple tree struggled to produce more than 3 apples per year for the last ten years. Last year it dropped all unripe apples. I have a crabapple growing instead, who knows, might hit the genetic jackpot with a new favourite variety!
Good luck! I know when it's time to replace I'm liking hard for strong resistant varieties I'm getting older everyday and don't have time to deal😂😆
@tinaaune I’m already at that point where I mainly want to stick low maintenance perennials in the ground and watch them grow on their own stems. Not as many annuals anymore haha I wish you luck too!