Epidendrum Radicans
Late Winter 2021
Late Winter 2021

I was gifted this orchid about... a year ago I think, from a cactus nursery owner that my mother used to work for. It's finally blooming for the first time! I'm most knowledgable on moth orchids because my mother cares for those, and even then I'm not much of a tropical plant grower myself, so frankly I'm surprised I kept it alive this long let alone get it to bloom. I was worried I might never see this happen, so it's quite a welcome treat!

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I gave up on orchids, I could never get them to bloom a second time.

@pooh4jvn they are difficult to make bloom in my own experience too. I think my mom manages because she fertilizes hers every time she waters them. I give this one the same treatment, so I think maybe it mightve been a matter of maturing, since they were newly-planted stem cuttings when I got them. I'm much more used to cacti and succulents that require a bit less upkeep
The blooms are MULTIPLYING!