Philodendron scandens
Heartleaf Philodendron
Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Philodendron scandens
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Good afternoon everyone super hot and sunny today, hope you're all having a great day, I need some #help or #advice with my heartleaf #philodendron it has been putting out small leaves for a while I finally repot it a few weeks ago after i read online that it could be some sort of deficiency and have been thinking about if I should turn the long straggly trail into cuttings which will then make big leaves when they grow? Or will the leaves grow bigger over time? I tried to include some of the

Top leaves for comparison. Thanks💖

@gjones that's perfect advice I have been neglecting to fertilize my plants 🙊🙊 I've only done it a few times in the few years I've had it . I have multipurpose miracle grow plant food. I havent reallt used it often kinda forgor about it 🙈 Have you tried it ? Ill give it a go. May wait another few weeks though cause i just repotted it and a bunch of others so assuming the soil will be rich still for a bit longer. Going to set up a schedule for all my plants. Thank you ! @gjones

@gjones (sorry I write a lot hah) I've seen different types of plant food at the store though for different types of plants. Should I get different kinds for them? Or will the miracle grow food be okay I'll post a pic of it I don't want to harm any of them either
Early Spring 2019

[ April 13 2019 ] Please help me identify this plant, is it a #philodendron or #pothos? And any reason as to why all the new growth for the passed while is so tiny ? #plantid

It's Philodendron hederaceum :) I think the new leaves are still growing and will become bigger after a while

Thanks so much @natii :) before I got this app I thought it was a pothos but I think the plant I got today is cause it has thicker leaves . And okay awesome it has been growing very quickly lately

My pleasure! :) They look so similar! It's not so easy to tell them apart. Do you mean the one with the silver dots? That one is often called Silver Pothos but it's actually Scindapsus Pictus. A different genus than eg Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) 🙂

Yesss and awesome thanks so much @natii and @gjones
😂 Did this last night it managed to stay it's just balancing though . Really not sure how i feel about it. May chop it up still but maybe I'll wait to see if the leaves grow bigger now that it has some nutrients 💚
Lovely 😍
Great shot 👌