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Profile Image beatnik crab 🦀


I'm mostly into cacti, aloes, and other heat tolerant succulents, and more recently hoyas and some tropicals. Phoenix, AZ. USDA zone 9b, heat zone 11.

Cereus peruvianus monstrosus minima

  • Season Icon Late WinterLate Winter 2021
  • Like Count 12

I have a hard time resisting these lumpy little guys, but they're soooo rot prone! So I potted them all together in some super fast drying soil, and I'll see what happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There's 5 plants in the pot. I've had the one in front for a few years, but the rest are fairly new. If they settle in and survive for a while then I may think of something to shoehorn into the pot with them to make it more interesting.


That’s a pot full for sure!
