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Profile Image beatnik crab 🦀


I'm mostly into cacti, aloes, and other heat tolerant succulents, and more recently hoyas and some tropicals. Phoenix, AZ. USDA zone 9b, heat zone 11.

Crassula Swaziensis

  • Season Icon Early WinterEarly Winter 2020
  • Like Count 8

I got this plant a couple years ago, but apparently never labeled it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm not 100% sure of the ID, so if anyone can confirm or offer likely alternates I'd appreciate it. It's very petite, and the leaves have a slightly sandpapery texture to them. It stayed super compact for the first year I had it, and then suddenly sprawled out. It's been living under a grow light as long as I've had it, but it's been looking sad, so I moved it outside a week ago, and it looks better already.
