Echinocereus rigidissimus subsp. rubispinus
Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus
Mid Spring 2021
- 9
Mid Spring 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 6

Echinocereus rigidissimus subsp. rubispinus
Mid Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

My mom's ~15ish yr old rainbow hedgehog cactus, getting ready to put on a heck of a display.

How old is this tall one ☝🏼

@dadayba my mom has had it for 12 or 13 yrs, and I figure it was probably 2 or 3 yrs old when she got it, so I figure around 15.
Mid Spring 2021

My mom's rainbow hedgehogs. She and I both got ours at the same time a few years ago, and hers have grown bigger and bloom more. She waters more. #cactusenvy

Beautiful purple flowers! 🌞

Beautiful 🤩 cactus flowers are unique and wonderful

My favorite 🤩 looks amazing

Thanks, @gjones @sunlovin @docthrill @philstalder ! I'll pass your kind words along! This is one of my faves, too. 😍

Omg 😱 it is gorgeous keep us posted when the flowers open, please. 😂 my is roughly 5 yrs old
My mom sent me this pic today of her blooming Rainbow Hedgehog. Guess it decided to go nuts all in one day! For anyone curious, it lives outdoors in Phoenix, AZ, in part sun, gets watered 2-3x per week, and she's fertilized twice since growing season started with Cactus Juice liquid fertilizer.
Oh my, another stunner. I hardly ever water mine or fertilize but now I will. Amazing 🤩
Love it!
Wow! Amazing! I wonder how long it will take for mine to bloom? 🌞
You and your mom have some beautiful Cacti👍Wish I had your skills😀
@sunlovin I have a little 3" one that bloomed about a year after I got it, so I think blooms are fair game right from the start. 🤷🏻♀️
@cowdenkyle haha, I think it's more a question of climate and environment than skills. 😂 Floridians struggle with desert cacti just like Arizonans struggle with epiphytes and tropicals! 😉
Another beauty 😍💗💗💗