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Profile Image beatnik crab 🦀


I'm mostly into cacti, aloes, and other heat tolerant succulents, and more recently hoyas and some tropicals. Phoenix, AZ. USDA zone 9b, heat zone 11.

Myrtillocactus geometrizans cristata

  • Season Icon Mid WinterMid Winter 2021
  • Like Count 16

This was the last survivor of an outdoor pot of crested cacti. I finally pulled him up and discovered he has NO ROOTS beyond the dead little root ball he originally came with, so he's been living off his own stored juice for over a year. No wonder he hasn't grown! I put him in a tiny pot, and he's going to live under the grow light for a while, and hopefully he'll make a comeback. Pretty sure it's a crested myrt, although it didn't come labeled. Euphorbia decaryi in the bg.


For such a sick specimen he looks pretty great!


@emch Thanks! 😅 He came with some REALLY bad scarring towards the base on the back side. I'm not even sure if it's sun or water scarring, but it's legitimately so bad that idk if the central vascular system is even intact. I purchased it as a longshot rescue in the first place. I'm honestly surprised it's still hanging in there. 🤷🏻‍♀️
