Sansevieria masoniana
Whale Fin Sansevieria
Mid Winter 2021
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Mid Winter 2021
- 5
Early Winter 2021
- 7

Sansevieria masoniana
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2021

Sorry for the crap photo. 😅 I've never really photographed this guy, despite it being one of my oldest plants, bc it doesn't fit in a square frame. One of the oldest leaves started yellowing and dying after the recent re-pot, so I figured it was now or never. RIP, leaf. 😭 I am NOT normally in favor of painted plants, but at one point this guy got sunburned outside, so I painted the sun damaged parts so they didn't look AS bad. 😬 Any painted areas were scorched beyond recovery.

I like it. Very creative idea I have several scorched cactuses that are an absolute eyesore. How long has the paint been on the plant? I know I've seen painted cactuses doesn't seem to hurt them after a while it starts growing out. Reminds me of a die job that we do to change the color or cover greys of our hair.

Looks funky!💕🌞

Thanks, @txgardener ! The paint has been on there for at least 2 or 3 years, and the plant never seemed to mind. It's latex paint. The issue with the painted succulents that I always hear is that it prevents the plant from photosynthesizing and breathing (since they breathe through their skin). Personally I think it's ugly, but I've never known it to kill a succulent. You're right, they always grow out of it. 🤷🏻♀️

Thanks, @sunlovin ! I figured it was better than looking at big, dry patches of leaf forever. 😅
Early Winter 2021

My whale fin sansevieria hasn't been happy, so I'm finally doing the heavy lifting of repotting and changing its soil. The soil was too water retentive and all the roots died off, but look at that rhizome! For reference, the name tag is 6" long. The baby leaf is #newgrowth as well.

The baby looks like it’s going to be pretty wide. 🌞

@sunlovin they're actually all pretty wide, but they're tall before they get wide. 😆 I need to find a nice grow light to hang over the pot so maybe they'll start growing faster and not so tall. 🤣 It currently lives at the center of my house, and hasn't been very happy with the arrangement. I rooted some individual leaves and planted them in the ground in my courtyard, and I'm curious how they will compare once they get going.

@beatnikcrab I was wondering why they weren’t wide because I’ve seen them and thought I love the name whale fin how creative! I think they’ll grow so much better outside in your bright light, I don’t understand why all your plants aren’t outdoors, unless the sun will burn them all. You have the ideal growing conditions in temperate Arizona, so nice and warm in winter I’d be outdoors every day!🌞

@beatnikcrab Btw, have you had any experience with bats good or bad? I ordered a bathouse, for outside, and wondered how it would do?🤔

@sunlovin This plant actually started outdoors when I first got it, first on my patio and then in my courtyard, and it got sunburned even just from the reflected sun. It could have done well on my patio in the summer and courtyard in the winter (as the sun changes position in the sky between seasons), but with the pot and everything it's an unwieldy 50+lbs, and I just couldn't keep moving it. I have some more mobile sansevierias outdoors, and they've been very happy.

@sunlovin Mostly the only plants indoors are the ones that can't take the summer heat or the cold winter nights. I also have a small grow light setup for small/delicate plants that would get neglected and die outside. Regarding bats, I've never really had experience with them. A few years ago some must have been roosting nearby bc a couple would skim my pool's surface for a drink daily at dusk. They never gave me any issues. 🤷🏻♀️
Sorry for the sort-of-re-post. The painted leaf was bumming me out sitting in the trash can, so I decided to snap a close-up before it goes to the dumpster. 🥺 Also, ugh, I realized that 3 more of the leaves in the pot are rotting. 😠 I'm sorry, but I frigging hate sansevierias sometimes. I cut off the rot and I should be able to propagate those leaves, at least. 😒
I'm glad u did a closeup. Shows the detail better. I really like. ☺
@txgardener thanks! My husband was surprised I was tossing it. I'm like 🤷🏻♀️ what am I gonna do with it?? Not like I can preserve it!
I guess bc it looks so pretty.. But u did get a snazzy pic out of it. So not a total waste
@txgardener plus I got to look at it for a few years before it died. 😆 I didn't spend a ton of time on it anyways. It wasn't meant to last forever.
Im confused.....did u paint it after the leaf started going bad? Also why are u throwing the whole thing away it looks like it isnt that bad...
@heatherdirtyhands the plant got sunburn outdoors about 5+ yrs ago. 3 or so yrs ago I moved it indoors and didn't want to look at scorched leaves (it's literally on the middle of my greatroom, so it was difficult to overlook), so that's when I painted it to camouflage the scorched areas. Recently this big painted leaf started yellowing off and dying, so I tossed it. There was no saving it, it was more yellow every day. Soon it would have been shriveled and brown and crispy. Not a very good look.
Did u just throw away the leaf tho or the whole plant? Alot of it still looks nice....see im crazy as soon as a leaf is sunburnt or yellow/brown it got to go. I would have hacked it off that day but painting it was a cool idea
@heatherdirtyhands just the leaf! 🤣 I wouldn't throw away a whole plant bc one leaf yellowed off. 😆 I usually toss damaged leaves, too, but sansevierias are such slow growers that I didn't really have the option. I would have ended up slicing away the whole plant if I wanted to chuck every damaged leaf at the time. So I had to find a way to live with the damage, and my solution was paint.
Well I love the solution!
@heatherdirtyhands thanks! I don't prefer it to a pristine, healthy plant, but I do prefer it to a scarred up one. 😅